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    Hi Everyone

    K9Lover;958587 wrote: Hi Rebirth!
    That drink is long gone...I threw it out last night. And I certainly don't plan on picking up another one!
    Best thing I've heard all week.

    Two big things learned here - a slip might sound good but it, more often than not, leads to another session of drinking.

    Said this to two people on here who did the same after their first whoopsie, lo behold they were drinking again very soon. This thought is one I use when tempted to just get drunk, for just one night. Having made the same mistake myself in the past it just reinforces it. Hold this in mind for future K9 and get yourself to those meetings.


      Hi Everyone

      Hi K9 and Overit,

      Was reading your posts regarding finding Mr Right and wanting what other people have etc. and it got me thinking. I?m divorced and when I look back on what to everyone appeared to be a happy marriage I realise that I was very lonely and isolated within that marriage and it wasn?t until I got out of it that it became so apparent to me ? sometimes you can be too close to the problem to see it clearly.

      ?Sometimes its easy to see what others have and feel, well left out. Just remember that just because others lives look so much better than ours, does not make it so. Everybody has problems and issues, just some are better at putting on a good show.?

      How true Overit and very astute, I am sure you will both find what you are looking for because you come across as very bright, engaging, caring women but don?t let life pass you by while you are waiting ? get out there and live it. Then when he does come along he doesn?t become the person you pin all your hopes and dreams on, he?s more like the icing on the cake of a great life. Does that make sense? Hope so.

      Dewdrop :h
      Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


        Hi Everyone

        Hi Dewdrop,
        I couldn't agree with you more. I'm spending every day of life just being thankful for what I have, not wishing for things that I don't have. I am spending my energy focusing on my sobriety, and getting through these tumultous teenage years with my daughter (which JUST started), but I do feel like I am on the right track with that at least. In this day and age, making it month to month financially is an achievement, and of course our day to day struggle with alcohol must be a priority. I actually had someone that I'm fairly close to express an interest in me (romantically) and knew for 100% certain that I'm just not interested right now, so it wouldn't be fair for me to string him along. Hmm, I guess that's called maturity, and better late than never!
        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          Hi Everyone

          Just finished reading your post from yesterday morn. You have given me such great advice and now maybe you should take your own.... You have had so many words of wisdom to alot of people on here. I have been sober for 23 days now and am having a hard time today. I have alot of support from alot of people but the ones that really count and have tried to do this with me have all caved. I am the last woman standing. If I can do it you can to! Trying to get through this day myself. Hope you have a great day.....and a sober tomorrow!


            Hi Everyone

            Hi Finding Myself!
            First of all, congratulations on 23 days, that is a great accomplishment, and one you should be very proud of. It's not easy, and the fact that you've gone over 3 weeks shows your determination and resolve. I am sorry that you are having a hard time today. Please learn from others mistakes (like mine!) and don't let the drinking thoughts get to you, because until you actually act on them, that's all they are...thoughts. Prior to my slips, I had over 160 days. What happened is that it wasn't my main focus anymore, as it should have been! Keep it in the forefront of your mind, and remember how bad you want this. I'm sorry it seems that all of your support has caved, that doesn't mean that you have to. Stay strong and let me know how you are! :l
            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              Hi Everyone

              Finding myself;959313 wrote: Just finished reading your post from yesterday morn. You have given me such great advice and now maybe you should take your own.... You have had so many words of wisdom to alot of people on here. I have been sober for 23 days now and am having a hard time today. I have alot of support from alot of people but the ones that really count and have tried to do this with me have all caved. I am the last woman standing. If I can do it you can to! Trying to get through this day myself. Hope you have a great day.....and a sober tomorrow!
              I'm having a bad day too, and so I resorted to the only thing I know works - went to bed for a couple of hours. A little better now but I have another day now(in a few hours!).


                Hi Everyone

                Hi UK!
                What can I do to help you...cuz I want you to stay strong! :l
                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

