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Please Someone, Shake Me!

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    Please Someone, Shake Me!

    Hi, Guitarista

    Thank you for the advice. Yes, I am sure you are right, that I will have withdrawal symptoms. Last time back in December I had zero symptoms, maybe as I spread the tapering out over a much longer period. This time it's just been four days. I feel great this morning. Now have to get through a night tonight without anything! But I am driving first thing tomorrow morning, so I've got that threat hanging over me! Can't afford a DUI in my job! Thank you for the kind words of encouragement which I shall continue to be grateful for over the coming weeks.



      Please Someone, Shake Me!

      You are right. I know this to be true. I should keep a open mind to AA. I really do get a lot out of it aside from the few issues I have with it. It wasn't made for only me!! lol. I can comprimise a bit and take what works for me and leave the rest. Most of the people, (I usually go to women's goups), are truly wonderful people and a joy to be around.

      As far as "selectively quote from posts instead of having to pick the whole lot"...? I am not exactly sure what you mean. Is it something I responded to specifically? My writting tends to be like my cooking. I never use recipies or measuring cups; I go by taste and feel.

      ?KNOWING YOURSELF means being able to separate the true from the false in yourself - love from emotion, joy from sentiment, Will from desire.? ~Barry Long quotes


        Please Someone, Shake Me!

        Hi Aussi

        I don't understand your fellow replys. Is it hard to find an AA club in Down Under. I did 28 days at Bristlecone Family Resources. They pulled me out of the quicksand and washed me off with a fire hose, no wait that was the county jail. The councilors, damn, where is spell check on this thing. 28 days, they call us spin drys. Intervention and so many other cable programs send them for 90 days minimum. I still see my counselor once a week, classes twice a week, AA meetings at the triangle club 3 or more times. Everyone there from young to old admits it can't be done on its own. You need to hear other peoples stories of experience, strength and hope. bg


          Please Someone, Shake Me!

          I guess I don't have the hang of this yet, my reply went to cycber space. After 28 days in a wonderfull place called Bristlecone in Reno, Nevada. Got out feeling on top of game. 3 weeks later relapsed into jail. What the hell?? There's a toliet in my room! Not again. Got to keep going to AA meetings. Hear all those other stories on experience, strength and hope. No one can do this alone.

