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another pregnancy worry :(

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    another pregnancy worry :(

    Hello all,
    I have just finished reading the pregnancy thread started by Feeling Bad back in 2007, and while I found it somewhat reassuring, I am still very concerned and wanted to start a new thread rather than post on the old one.

    I'm 34 and have been drinking more than is healthy for a couple of years now. Not enough that it interferes with my life, but enough that I've had too many hangovers for a grown woman to be happy admitting, and I've thought over and over that I need to cut back drastically.

    I found out on 10/19 that I was pregnant. On 10/15 I got absolutely wasted. I was stumbling drunk. That kind of binge, while not unheard of, was not my usual pattern, though I had been drinking 1-3 glasses of wine per night and more on the weekends. Went in for an ultrasound 11/1 and the pregnancy was dated at 6wks 3days- which meant that on 10/15 I was right at the 4 week mark. :upset:

    I stopped immediately upon finding out, which means I haven't had a drink since before I hit 5 weeks, but I am very concerned about what might have happened to the developing baby prior to cessation. I consulted a midwife and she said that the baby would have been very vulnerable at that time, and she even said that some women would choose to terminate based on the risk to the child. I also went to see a genetic counselor, just yesterday, and although she was reassuring and optimistic she did not seem to know much about the topic. She only offered me a handout on FAS and proceeded to discuss genetic tests for cystic fibrosis and tay sachs disease- totally unrelated to alcohol!!

    Anyway, although it is heartbreaking to think about, my SO and I are talking about termination. I am so scared and just want something reassuring that I can grab onto and that can give us some hope. I'm 9 weeks along now, and the thought of aborting the baby is so horrible- but not as horrible as the thought of giving birth to a profoundly retarded and deformed child who will suffer a lifetime because of my poor decision-making.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this- I know it's long. And thank you for any advice or information you can offer- good or bad. :thanks:

    another pregnancy worry

    Oh silly-mama, my heart goes out to you.

    I'm not a doctor but this is just my experience. Many Christmasses ago I had the normal party season drinking far to much on many occassions. I found out I was pregnant the middle of January 1986. I went on to have the most beautiful baby girl the following September. She's now 24 still beautiful and a University graduate.

    I wish you well.

    J x
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      another pregnancy worry


      Thank you so much for your response and for your understanding. I am happy for you that your outcome was so great and that your daughter is healthy, smart, and happy. Thank you for sharing.


        another pregnancy worry

        Oh Mama, I can imagine how scared you are. Noone can categorically state the baby will be fine, but I would ask you to think how many people have done the same thing and had perfectly healthy babies? My boss is currently expecting her first baby and she is nearly 46. I'm sure she is peppering underneath but sometimes you have to cross your fingers and hope for the best? Like JC, I always drank and I'm sure I drank in early pregnancy before I realised. Do what you think is right for you - thinking of you
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


          another pregnancy worry

          Silly mama, welcome to MWO. Again no expert here, heck I am even a bloke but I would say you that midwife is well wide of the mark and shouldnt be scaring you like that. I would say talk to a specialist baby pediatrician about it, you could maybe ask your GP for a referal. I do hope everything works out for you and your baby, it must be very worrying.
          Keep safe
          Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


            another pregnancy worry

            Silly Mama,

            I am the mother of four perfectly healthy, beautiful, intelligent sons. Two of my pregnancies were conceived while I was drinking. I had the same anxieties as you, but everything turned out fine. There are no guarantees with pregnancies, you can do everything by the book, tick every box and still have something go wrong. From what I have read about fetal alcohol syndrome, it isnt that common. Just another amazing story. A very good friend of mine was taking the pill and had no intentions of becoming pregnant. She is a hard drinker, hard partying person. She had no idea that she was pregnant until three weeks before giving birth (it happens). Her daughter is now 16 years old and perfect. Strength and Grace Saff
            I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


              another pregnancy worry

              Silly mama, I totally understand and sympathise with your concerns and like others, I think the midwife was wrong in scaring you like that. I know a LOT of people who are drinkers and have probably drank too much before discovering they were pregnant and I don't know any whose babies were born 'damaged' as a result.

              I am not saying 'sure, it is fine to drink during pregnancy' I am saying there are risks but they don't all result in FAS. I wish I knew the statistics and that might be something worth looking into before you make a final decision.

              Whatever you decide my heart goes out to you and I wish you all the best. :l


                another pregnancy worry

                Silly mama - I had my first child before people really knew that drinking in pregnancy was bad for the baby - and she is just great - intelligent etc., etc., - a pain in the rear at times, but I cannot be sure that is AL related (LOL), the second one people were becoming aware but not as much - she is fine too - and I drank through both my pregnancies. I agree with KTAB that your midwife is out of line scaring you like that! Hugs and love to you,

                Sun xxx
                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                  another pregnancy worry

                  Hey Silly Mama - my first two kids were conceived when I was D-R-U-N-K (the only time I could stand my ex husband....hey maybe THAT is why I developed an AL prob!) They are perfectly healthy, highly intellegent and wonderful. I had by last daughter at 42 and while not drunk (I actually adore my second husband) but continued to drink wine every night because we had been trying to conceieve for 5 years with no luck. I figured it was 2 adn done. NOPE! The minute I found out I was preggers, I was off the wine. My little one is perfectly fine, but unfortunately for the rest of the family, is a mini-me personality wise. We have our hands full with this one. Best of luck to you SM. Keep positive and do the right things health wise - NO AL, rest, prenatal vitamins, good have a beautiful son or daughter waiting to see your beautiful face. Take care
                  February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                  When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                    another pregnancy worry

                    I think a lot of health care people, particularly nurses can be very judgemental and don't take human frailty and fears into account. You are never more vulnerable than when you are pregnant - just my thoughts
                    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                      another pregnancy worry

                      SM, my mom's generation didn't really know the dangers of alcohol. I had a friend whose mother drank and she turned out perfectly (Law School Professor, no less). I hope you can find comfort in whichever decision you make - I just know a lot of people where concevied by drinking mothers.



                        another pregnancy worry

                        Silly Mama,
                        I don't have much to add to what the others have said. I just wanted to let you know my heart goes out to you ... and whatever you do, don't judge yourself for that night! We are all human. There is no way you would have done that had you known you were pregnant. Whatever you decide to do this time, you are free to do things differently in the future. Wishing you the best whatever you decide :l
                        "No matter what happens, be fearless!"
                        Sam - AF since 12/11/10


                          another pregnancy worry

                          Thank you all for your encouraging and supportive replies. I really appreciate the warmth and acceptance I feel here. I had the same thoughts about the midwife being a little harsh in her response, but a review of the available literature about alcohol and pregnancy supports her statement about the timing being risky. All the same, there is so little information available on what the actual risk is! From much of what I've read, you'd think that every mother who drinks damages her child... then there is the occasional study that actually quantifies the risk as being much lower. I had really hoped the genetic counselor would help us see the situation more clearly and give us some hard facts & statistics, but what she said was that implantation does not occur until 18 days post conception... and even a quick look at pregnancy books and websites will tell you that's not correct (it's 6-12 days). So although she was reassuring, I felt like her treatment of the situation was cursory and that her foundational premise was just plain wrong.

                          Sorry to go on like that... Thank you all again for your kind words and reassurance. It's so good to hear from people who've been in the same boat and have had healthy babies.


                            another pregnancy worry

                            P.S. Silly mama - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!
                            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                              another pregnancy worry

                              I was watching an episode of 'Mad Men' the other night. For those who don't watch it is set in the early sixties and it was a reminder for me. No one knew or cared about the dangers of drinking and smoking in pregnancy or in general.

                              The female lead was sitting at the kitchen table, huge glass of red wine in hand, smoking away. My Mum told me that back then everyone drank through pregnancy, and her doctor actually recommended that she drank Stout every day! (stout is a very strong beer).

                              mama, take good care of yourself and let us know how you get on. :l

