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another pregnancy worry :(

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    another pregnancy worry

    Hello all,

    Just a quick update- I'm at about 28 weeks now and so far, so good. He's growing well and moving around like crazy. Our 19 week ultrasound showed a healthy baby maturing very nicely and at about the 80th percentile for most growth measurements.

    I still worry, though not as obsessively as at first. The fear that my drinking will cause him long term problems does hang over this pregnancy like a cloud, and the more I become connected to the baby the more I worry for him.

    Hopefulwoman, if you're around still I'd love to hear how everything's going with your new little one.


      another pregnancy worry

      Silly Mama, thanks for coming back and telling us how you are! Put those worries out of your head now girl. I have often quoted my Dad on here, he used to say 'by all means worry about something you can change, NEVER worry about something you can do nothing about - it's a total waste of time and energy' enjoy the rest of your pregnancy - it would be a shame to remember this as a bad time instead of (for me anyway) the nicest time of your life! Relax now with your little bump - he'll get more from a relaxed Mum while he's in there than anything! Keep us updated
      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


        another pregnancy worry

        So glad things are ok! We will keep you and your beautiful bundle in our thoughts
        February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

        When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


          another pregnancy worry

          I got pregnant on August 28th of 2004-- did not know I was pregnant and then went on vacation the 29th. I drank like a fish on vacation-- from morning until night for a week-- when I got back I relaized I had been so hungry and tested --- I was pregnant. I was scared about the AL but my doc told me a similar thing to the poster that was talking about the placenta--he also said that while it was not great that I drank and who knows if anythijg is wrong etc-- that if I was going to be tanked doing it at that point usually caused no problems if I stopped immediately and I did. My son is now almost 6 and is awesome-- not one issue and I even had to take prescription meds during pregnancy and all was well. Good luck but I bet anyhting you won't need luck-- it iwll all be well! (sorry for typos-- trying to go fast)


            another pregnancy worry

            Hi mamma I hope you are well and relaxing. Pregnacy is both the best time of your life and the scariest for everyone I think. During my 1st 2 precnancies I drank throughout and it never occured to me that I shouldnt, my son and daughter are in there 20's now and my youngest son I drank up until around the 3rd month and he is beautiful, smart and my shining star. I wish you and your bump the best. Put your feet up and dont feel guilty about doing nothing.


              another pregnancy worry

              Silly Mama,

              If you want a guarantee that you will have a healthy, brilliant, beautiful child, don't get pregnant. :-)

              There are no guarantees, probability means a lot until reality happens. After that, it is all statistics.

              I am so glad you are falling in love with that little guy.

              My girl drank pregnant and the sweetie we have today, the one who opens that toothless smile at us and scoots across the floor to get to us, is fine.

              Relax, as others have said. Pregnancy is the BEST time of your life. After that, there is no sleep. :H

              Seriously, I am glad you did not terminate. (No, I am not one of those.) But, to terminate a pregnancy is a huge decision.

              There are no guarantees. There is only a roll of the dice. Thankfully, the roll of those die are in our children's favor.

              I hope and pray you have a wonderful pregnancy. After that, I hope you absolutely fall in love with the child in your arms and appreciate what this universe has given you. (I know you will.)

              AF April 9, 2016


                another pregnancy worry

                Silly Mama! So glad to find this thread, and add my best wishes for a perfect baby. To repeat what others have said, to reassure you: if every fetus was negatively impacted by its mom getting drunk before knowing about the pregnancy (or even after!) would we have so many thousands of perfect babies born every day? I drank all through both pregnancies (not heavily at all, but still...) and Little Jane and Baby Jane turned out fabulously! They're in their 20s now, and much smarter than me. One drinks VERY moderately, the other not at all (began health nut...which makes me soooooo happy.

                Best to you!
                Jane Jane


                  another pregnancy worry

                  "Vegan," not "began, sorry...
                  Jane Jane


                    another pregnancy worry

                    Thank you all for your support and encouragement. I am really impressed and touched by how gentle and caring people are on this site. It's rare in the world, and especially on the web, to find such a kind-hearted bunch. Thanks again- I will check back a little later on


                      another pregnancy worry

                      Hello all,

                      I just received a PM from someone who read my posts and wondered how things had turned out. I haven't been an active forum member, but I still use the same email address, so I was notified. I realized how many posts similar to mine are out there, and left floating with no closure for the reader. I thought I should update, so that anyone with similar fears and worries can see how my story has evolved. Again, I thank you all for the kindness and support you've provided.

                      Here is part of the reply I sent to the member who emailed me:

                      I went through my whole pregnancy with a sense of doom and dread. I was so afraid I'd ruined my baby's brain. Our first midwife suggested termination and acted as if damage were likely.

                      We switched to a different practice, and the midwife who took care of us there was much more reassuring. So was the doctor who performed our 20 week ultrasound. Literature I read about alcohol and pregnancy was mixed, but most of it seemed to indicate that occasional binge drinking in early pregnancy was not associated with FAS, and that sustained heavy drinking was a far worse problem. Still, I was scared and felt very guilty.

                      My son is now 20 months old. He is an amazing kid, and if he's damaged in anyway, he seriously would have been superman. No one would ever think there's a single thing wrong with the little guy. He's beautiful, with thick shiny blond hair and big brown eyes. He is very bright and very physically precocious. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it, but he walked at 7 1/2 months. He's a climber, a runner, a jumper, and a very happy kid. He had 150+ words by 14 months and he speaks in short sentences now. By any standards he's a bright boy- not a braindamaged FAS baby.

                      I do have hard feelings toward the midwife who put so much fear in me. I really considered abortion. I can't imagine my life without my sweet baby boy- he's my greatest joy.

