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Question about liver damage

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    Question about liver damage

    I had been reading on this site and googling things about liver damage. I know a blood test is one of the first steps in finding out-- but I had a question about symptoms. I know that drinking can cause stomach problems and gall bladder problems--is there a way to tell the difference between those and liver? Anytime I ever drank in the past I would get a looser stool but I was reading that it is usually yellowish with liver issues--I am not sure how to differentiate between poops! I don't have any pain and the LFT I did several months ago was normal. But I was interested in teh symptoms and if the liver heals much after you don't drink-- I drank pretty heavily for about 2 to 3 years and then reduced to almost notyhing most days but when I drink anything I do get those icky stools now. Thanks for your help!

    Question about liver damage

    ATL - sorry you aren't getting any replies - I can't help you either as I have no answers. Have you tried Googling it - although sometimes that can be scary! Hopefully someone will come along that can help - sorry - I see that you have Googled it! Hope someone can help.

    hugs, sun XX
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      Question about liver damage

      ATL - wine and beer can loosen the bowel up, not so sure if spirits do. Liver pain is often felt in the back, upper (left??) side, also in the shoulder area. As far as i know, unless you have cirrhosis (spelling?!?!) the liver has amazing powers of regeneration If you have damage, the undamaged bits need to work harder, some but not all damage is reversible. A lot depends on your lifestyle, age, gender, race and genes. ( i know someone who had cancer, a huge chunk of their liver was removed, as the Dr's know it will regenerate over time, it is an amazing hard working body part). The person i know with liver problems also suffered from poops that "floated", and they were yellowish. Milk thistle is good for cleansing the liver... if your test was ok, and you are in good general shape i would not panic, tho' if in doubt, go back to the dr's. Well done on quitting the heavy drinking, continue taking care of yourself Not a brillaint reply, but best i could do based on what i was told by my friend when they were ill.


        Question about liver damage

        If your LFT came back normal, it seems you have no need to be concerned. Of course, you can go ask your doctor. Loose stools can be remedied by eating bananas, rice, apples and toast, the BRAT diet often prescribed by physicians for children with the same ailment. Sorry no great words of wisdom, best, j
        Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


          Question about liver damage

          Thanks very much! I am loathe to go to the doctor again-- I at times wish I lived in the UK or somewhere in Europe that had a national health service as this seems to encourage getting help for things. I find alot of docs in the US are judgmental and I must not be the only one because I see several posters saying they do not want to tell their docs things. I only got the LFT done because I had some gall bladder issues and they tested it-- I suppose theoretically it is possible that I have damaged the liver since then with sporadic drinking-- I had a few bad nights but not every bad night as in the past. I am trying to drink about once a month now- instead of one every couple of weeks-- we will see what ahppens. I am also starting a fitness plan so the drinking will have to go with that- I have gained so much with teh beer!


            Question about liver damage

            Hi there! Sounds like you have a good, sensible and doable plan ... go for it. By the way, the liver is one of the most self-healing organs we have. It seems like I drank A LOT more than you and had, oddly enough and thankfully, normal LFTs. So don't worry, be peaceful. Onward and upward! Peace, j
            Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


              Question about liver damage

              Oh Janka-- I am sure I did not drink less than you back in the day and the day was not so long ago! I was up to sometimes a bottle of wine a night and maybe a few beers too on a weekend night-- starting with lunch and going through the night. And during the week at times I would have a bottle of wine too. No spirits though. I finally became so panicked most everyday that I had to cut down alot. Somost days I have nothing. I also got so heavy and I knwo it is from drinking. I am only 43 and I do not want to be a load forever so...I am actually htinking I am giving it up 100% in the New Year just for the weight thing. Thanks for the encouragement


                Question about liver damage

                Unfortunately you can have normal liver functions tests and a very sick liver. You can quit drinking and tell your doctor what's up. Different people have different vulnerabilities on this. The liver is on the right side. Doesn't necessarily ache when insulted or abused. Glad you were able to taper down to once/month. Try to keep it at 3units or less when you do drink and drink slowly so your liver, healthy or otherwise, can keep up with the processing.
                the processing can also be affected by other drugs you may be taking.

                I quit drinking a year ago and have lost just over 50 pounds by eating right and exercising daily. I think I have exchanged a bad compulsion (drink) for a good one (healthy diet and exercise). I did nothing along those lines for the first 5 months as I wanted to just not drink. then and only then did I get down to the other business.

                Welcome to MWO


                  Question about liver damage

                  Sunny--I had read that as well on google (about no pain or signs). The doctor was not concerned about damage-- not sure why--he felt it and did the test-- I told him that I had had a period of heavy drinking and how much -- but of course he said stop which I have pretty much done but not all the way (very bad). 50 lbs in great and that is how much I need to lose. I gained alot with my son (80 lbs) and just never lost 50 of it-- I had lost 40 but I guess age and the drinking put some back on. Not sure how old you are-- I am thinking that it may take a little longer over 40 than under. I am sure the exercising will help alot with that. Thanks!


                    Question about liver damage

                    I am 58, and never was able to stay on a good long term eating and exercise program. In the past eating well and exercising were just getting me in good enough shape to drink again! I remember even while exercising I knew I was fooling myself! It was terrible and frightening. Now it is not.
                    I eat about 1400 calories a day and burn off about 500/d at the gym. If I am traveling I try to walk an hour a day wherever I am. I have only missed 3 days of that in 6 months. It is a high priority for me.
                    I also took 1/2 of an appetite suppressant/day when I needed it to stay on track.
                    Welcome again and good luck. (Good luck only follows good plans!)


                      Question about liver damage

                      ATLThrash;1028432 wrote: Thanks very much! I am loathe to go to the doctor again-- I at times wish I lived in the UK or somewhere in Europe that had a national health service as this seems to encourage getting help for things. I find alot of docs in the US are judgmental and I must not be the only one because I see several posters saying they do not want to tell their docs things. I only got the LFT done because I had some gall bladder issues and they tested it-- I suppose theoretically it is possible that I have damaged the liver since then with sporadic drinking-- I had a few bad nights but not every bad night as in the past. I am trying to drink about once a month now- instead of one every couple of weeks-- we will see what ahppens. I am also starting a fitness plan so the drinking will have to go with that- I have gained so much with teh beer!

                      A lot of posters from the UK complain about the lack of help on the National Health Service - which I think is basically because they don't have the resources to treat everyone, and also don't want to be accused of dishing out meds willy nilly.


                        Question about liver damage

                        That sounds great Sunny. And similar to what I have planned. Maybe there is hope! It would be nice to like myself again and feel a sense of accomplishment-- my son is 5 and he now notices that I am not a skinny mommy-- though he loves me to bits-- it would be nice to be a better example for him. I do love to walk outdoors-- hills, etc-- to see what is going on with the world. At those times I feel like I can conquer anything so I can see why healthy habits are also addicting. Did you just get into a groove with the healthy ways ?


                          Question about liver damage

                          BTW, I did nothing diet or exercise wise the first 5 months of abstinence as I wanted to concentrate all my energy in that one area without diluting it with extra rules. It was only after that time frame that it seemed reasonable to "go for it" and loose the weight and get fit as well.
                          My advice, GO for AF. It also helps you avoid loss of inhibition which can undermine any plan for habit change.
                          Good Luck = Good plans


                            Question about liver damage

                            I don't know if this helps or not, but there are different types of liver tests. I did tell my doctor about my problem. I looked up the results of my liver test when I got them back and found out there are several different tests that can be done including one that indicates damage from alcohol.

                            Liver function tests

                            I think (not a doctor) the GGT test is a better measure of alcohol usage. If your doctor is not aware of your history, they may not request this specific test. Then again, for all I know maybe they do test for it automatically.

                            I also have soreness in my upper right quadrant of my stomach, just below my ribs. I do not know if it is liver related or gallbladder related. All I can do is try to live healthy. I have lost 25 pounds since quitting through healthy eating and have upped my exercise.

                            Best of luck.


                              Question about liver damage

                              MILK THISTLE has been proven to repair the liver & prevent problems.
                              It's cheap & you can get it at your grocery store the vitamins dept.
                              I get the brand "Sundown" Milk Thistle...just in case,
                              It can't hurt I hear & is proven GOOD for the liver.
                              Blessings & Joy to you
                              (Hope this helps!)

