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Question about liver damage

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    Question about liver damage

    I will try the milk thistle-- can't hurt-- have had no probs since I stopped drinking or drank one or two-- but still I am leery! I am doing the whole health bit to try to lose weight-- I will say my skin looks awesome with no booze!


      Question about liver damage

      ALTThrash, my drinking got so bad I went into complete liver and kidney failure last year.

      I needed dialysis.

      I've received regular blood tests over the past 12 months, and my doctor is confident that I don't have permanent liver and kidney failure.

      However you should see your Doctor, and be upfront about your problem and your determination to stay off booze. Insomnia can happen over the next few months, and vitamin supplements would help finally getting liver and kidney function test would let you know its all in the past.

      Your GI will be abnormally high, but a second test a few months later will show it dropping down provided you stay AF.


        Question about liver damage


        That is so scary. Were you a long term drinker -- my husband's grandfather died of cirrhosis but he was quite young so I know it can happen. However, I am pretty sure he drank from like 14 until 50 and it was scotch daily. I recall one of those Interventions-- the guy had not been drinking too long in the scheme of things (maybe 7 or 8 years) and he died of liver failure. I know livers can repair themselves somewhat-- that is awesome about the kidneys though. My last liver funtion test was about a year ago -- so I do need to recheck. Thanks


          Question about liver damage

          One never really knows, until it is too late!

          Hello ATL and others,

          Had to ring into this conversation. A Coles notes version, is that I have had regular liver tests every year for the past 20 years, and all have been fine. In fact, in early this past December, I had all my tests done and they were clean.

          Three weeks later, I ended up in the hospital for 4 days with Pancreatitis. Although, I had not had anything to drink for 4 days prior to getting sick ( in the past year I had cut down daily drinking to weekends only), 80% of cases are caused by long term alcohol consumption. My lipase was elevated, but my liver tests were normal.

          I ended up getting a dye injected CT scan, and not only did it confirm I had a swollen pancreas ( very bad ) it was also confirmed that I had "fatty liver". Google both and be sure, alcohol is a major culprit and you do NOT want to go down this road.

          I am taking milk thistle, have lost some weight and I am 38 days AF, with no desire to drink at all. I have a follow up CT scan in a few weeks to see how things have settled down if at all.

          ALT, your symptoms are familiar to mine. Don't drink. Easier said than done, but it's the only option until you get to the doctor again and get it all sorted out for sure. Pancreatitis is very serious and life threatening and comes on suddenly with very little warning. I was told that my case was mild.... and it was VERY painful and scary, to say the very least.

          Take care of yourself,

          "I have not failed - I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work"- Thomas A Edison


            Question about liver damage

            Skoots--Very scary. I won't be drinking because I am going to a in patient facility to deal with depression issues primarily (but I am sure I will deal with everything there). I have not had ick stools since not drinking or drinking one drink-- but I do not want any damage (or more damage). I knew a young man who died of pancreatitis actually. He was diabetic, don't think he really drank though but his diet was uncontrolled. WIth my luck of late it would be just like me to have some horrid problem--can't catch too much of a break.


              Question about liver damage

              Skootie, I think paleo dieting can repair fatty liver. You might want to google it, or Determinator on this board is very knowledgeable.


                Question about liver damage

                Skootie, Any sensible weight loss diet and alcohol abstinence (congratulations on your 40 days) will do. No need for special herbs. Your liver can heal itself if you stop poisoning it!


                  Question about liver damage

                  I did look up the paleo diet too just because I specifically need to lose-- so if it is good with fatty liver (don't know if I have it but why not act as if I do to get all the benefits) I think why not?


                    Question about liver damage

                    Hi ATL, hope you are feeling better today? Re. the fatty liver etc. When I first went to doc bout all this it was Dec. 2009 and after all the tests I had liver function 'not quite George Best territory but bad' - was how my doc described it - pretty dire in fact. By March 2010 everything was pristine. He did every test in the book it seemed and I was like a new born baby, so providing the liver isn't permanently damaged (i.e cirhossis) the repair ability is amazing. I did take milk thistle for a few weeks at that time, but basically just being sober meant I was eating healthier - no late night take outs or early morning shite just to try and comfort my aching drunken body - lots of fruit, and no booze and the rest should take care of itself!
                    I do remember going for a cholesterol test in Jan 2009 (nothing to do with booze) and when he had the results up on the computer I had a crafty little look at the liver function part and it actually had come up irregular, but because at that stage he had no idea I had a drink problem, he didn't even mention it, so it is important I think that they know what to look for.
                    Best of luck with rehab next week, if you look after yourself your family will be automatically millions of times happier - I know that now.
                    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                      Question about liver damage

                      If I had cirrhosis it would be a huge cautionary tale--as my LFTs haev been normal each time and in the last year I really cut the booze down. NOw I am not drinking at all. I do feel encouraged because I am going to the facility. I just hope it will be good...


                        Question about liver damage

                        The liver has no pain receptors. Any talk of "Liver Pain" is nonsense. It may feel "uncomfortable", but will not induce pain when damaged. Learn the facts before posting.

