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How does one find a physician willing to prescribe Baclofen?

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    How does one find a physician willing to prescribe Baclofen?

    Hello, I'm wondering if anyone has any advice about locating a doctor who is open to prescribing "high dose" Baclofen off-label. It takes quite a while to even get an appointment, and in my experience doctors tend to get a little nervous when a new patient comes in asking for something like a large prescription for muscle relaxants. I'm planning on bringing in articles and a book (as well as a sob story), but I'll be surprised if that works right away....

    How does one find a physician willing to prescribe Baclofen?

    Hi emulsified, you should visit the Meds section of this forum ( Topamax, Campral, Naltrexone, Baclofen, other meds - My Way Out Forums ) and talk to neva eva. She found a doc who's prescribing her bacofen at the moment, somewhere in the USA i think.

    I'm elsewhere and the doctors are useless, refused to give me baclofen, so I ordered it online (Goldpharma) . It's worked fantastically for me; no matter what you have to do to get it you shouldn't be discouraged, because it really works. Good luck.


      How does one find a physician willing to prescribe Baclofen?

      There is a doctor in Atlanta, Dr Tommy Richardson, who prescribed it to me. There is a doctor in California. There is Dr. Levin. I bet there are others. It would help if there was a listing of these docs and their locations. Take your articles and sob story in and explain it. Maybe it will work. Maybe a neurolgist might be wiling as they may have more experience with baclofen use in MS patients.


        How does one find a physician willing to prescribe Baclofen?

        Sunny--Is Dr Richardson an internist, psychiatrist or what? I am in Atlanta-- would like to know the options-- previously when I was really drinking too much I asked my doc here for bac and brought in the articles and book-- he was still very leary. And I was pretty successful on my own but that may be transient, I haev had a couple bad slips and I want to have all the weapons in the arsenal if I need them. I have found many docs still treat alcoholism or even just drinking too much occasionally as a moral weakness and immediately they question anything you may have ever told them about your health. So I am a tad jaded. please let me know any details you can. I appreciate it.


          How does one find a physician willing to prescribe Baclofen?

          Also frustrated

          I, too, am very frustrated. My family doctor (soon to be former family doctor) wouldn't consider prescribing Bac or Topamax. He recommended some other doctors but when I called one of them today I was told that he uses subutex. I don't want to take a narcotic to get off of alcohol! I also am concerned about having a history of using that medication in the event that I need to find other health insurance on my own in the future.

          I made an appointment for another doctor for next Tuesday. I asked to have him call me. I 'd really like to know before I go in whether it's even an option for him.

          Any recommendations for doctors in the Santa Cruz, CA area?



            How does one find a physician willing to prescribe Baclofen?

            Seethepony, all of you, got mine today!

            Please tell me how you would start out? 10 tabs mgs to start! I am so excited to change!
            The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

            *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


              How does one find a physician willing to prescribe Baclofen?

              I found my doc from a detox center referral. call them, they work with MD's that are well versed in substance abuse. Don't take NO for an answer, be persistent.
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                How does one find a physician willing to prescribe Baclofen?

                hi em,i got my bac for hic ups i couldnt stop,hiccuppig, it wasnt persscribed for addiction,pput yourself in a doctors position,with doses of bac many are taking here,why not just drink,is one worse then the other,this isnt a put down statement,what your going thro iive gone thro for 41 years,thats how long it took me to figure out as a yungster everything we were tot was not true,eventually it all comes back to haunt us,then we wake up to the reality society has tot us,but many arent like us,but there ones that are suppose to understand,if one doesnt have an addiction,so why not numb it withsomthin else.Bac is no different then any other drug we take,eventually you ll have to come down from it to,then what happens i do wish you well gyco


                  How does one find a physician willing to prescribe Baclofen?

                  I used to think just that Gyco, but eventually my alcoholism got so bad that I was prepared to try it. I don't like having to depend on a drug at all and always went the 'natural' route in the past. Anyway I feel a lot better on the baclofen, than off it and a lot better than when I was drinking. You see when I drank the world stopped, when I didn't the cravings were pretty bad. I still having drinking thoughts but it's not the same hunger, it's more a case of "Oh I could have a drink, yeah but why bother".

                  A lot easier this way even if it is against my better judgement. In the meantime I'll continue with my counselling and improving my coping abilities, ready for the day when I do stop baclofen.

