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I am back

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    I am back


    I am back

    Welcome back Peace!


      I am back

      Welcome back Peace, good luck on your journey
      Taking it ODAT


        I am back

        Hi Peace,

        I was just where you are two weeks ago today, I had a wonderful 5 months of being AF and then I slipped and had 8 hellish months of drinking.
        In my final week of drinking I was soooo bad I could hardly walk out of the front door in the mornings for fear of falling over, on the final Sunday I knew I couldn`t do it anymore and had a drinks fest like no other and as I believe in God it was a case of there but for the grace of God go I and I did get up Monday with a new strength. How I got through Monday I`ll never know, I felt so ill I just knew drinking could never be an option again and here I am on day 15 feeling as if a weight has been lifted from me at last, in the end I wasn`t drinking for pleasure it was habit so please come and join us all in being AF, you can do and you will.
        Love Flo x
        Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.


          I am back

          Thank you....


            I am back


            My first day here. Doing know were to start really. I would love to drink sensibly and I never drink. From Monday to Thursday but after that I manage 3 plus bottles vino a night. I never remember half of wat I have done the night before but my husband won't go out wit me anymore if I drink, my marriage is in crisis and my hubby's has absolutely no respect for me and I don't know how to get it back. There is so much going on right now I'm losing all control and my kids can see it now. So were do I begin? Is there any way u can get respect back? Can I stop this horrible life I have? Any advice please? Big down side is I never ever get a hang over onlybthe guilt


              I am back

              Hang in there. You have made a great first choice in logging on. Read, read and read.... go into the different threads. Ton's of great advice. Someone will post the Tool Box thread which is an excellent starting point. Download the MWO book as well. You are doing he right thing!! We are all in this for a reason - to get control over the AL!!
              Best of luck.


                I am back

                Tool box thread

                Where will I find this please


                  I am back

                  This is a link to the Toolbox
                  "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                  AF - 7-27-15


                    I am back

                    welcome back peace. well done on your af time and well done on realising that moderating wasnt working for you. youve done this before so you can do it again.
                    Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                    Keep passing the open windows


                      I am back

                      Welcome back Peace. For me, it was such a relief when I finally accepted 100% with NO reservations that I am an alcoholic. The solution (abstinence) was much easier to achieve once I was fully on board with the truth. I hope it works that way for you too.

                      Strength and hope,

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        I am back

                        Welcome back Peace. It is a hard lesson, but you seem full of renewed strength. Best of luck to you and we are here for you. Remember that!
                        February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                        When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                          I am back

                          I am embarrassed but I am also back! I found this site a year or so ago. I was in bad shape at the time and my husband and daughter told me:
                          DO SOMETHING! So I did. I found this site and followed directions and had approximately 100 days of sobriety. I was very proud of myself and I felt wonderful.
                          BUT I had a trip scheduled for Europe and I couldn't IMAGINE Europe without wine. I shared that here and was wisely advised by a lot of you to do AF anyway.
                          But I didn't. And I didn't have much of a problem. So then I decided, oh yeah! I can moderate. And then I did that fairly successfully for quite a while. But for me, all roads lead back to binging.
                          And I am sorry to say that I am back in the same place when I started.
                          I have been struggling with this damn AL problem all my life. I am beyond depressed, beyond tired, beyond embarrassed and so now I start again.
                          Day 1. Or should I say morning one!
                          I am so glad that I had someplace to come and admit this. My husband has been wonderful but he just doesn't understand why I do what I do.
                          And now I am facing a trip to India for six weeks! That should be easy.......(said sarcastically).


                            I am back

                            Thanks everyone,

                            Yes DG, it feels different this time, I will not be ashamed to say that I quit and that I am not drinking ever again. Even though I thought I had it beat with my recent AF time, I still felt uncomfortable with never drinking again. I think I needed this lesson to learn that I can't drink ever again. I binge once I start, my stop switch is broken and there is no way to fix it.

                            I don't feel like I am losing anything like I did before and I am not riddled with anxiety either - which is very strange for me as anxiety is my main reason for drinking.....I want to live a long life and I am doing for myself and am not afraid of losing friends or making ppl uncomfortable because I am not drinking - that was a huge obstacle for me before. Now I am ready to say I had to quit for health reasons, and it is true if I keep bingeing I will die!!

                            I am glad to be back and look forward to reconnecting with my old MWO friends and to making new ones.


                              I am back

                              Marty, Peace and allof you I wish us all peace eventually..

                              Marty, I lost my husband and crawled deeper in my whole than ever; We have to beat this for our family.... I know we can, WE HAVE TO, WE HAVE TO!
                              I stop for awhile and the binge becomes bigger EVERY time! Makes no sense when I know better!
                              The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                              *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*

