I found this forum with so many people with my same exact issues and I tried to take the good advise. I even purchased baclofen and tried that. I never found the switch but I hated taking that many pills every day.
But I did string together approximately 100 days AF. I was proud of myself and feeling great but I was struggling in social situations. I had scheduled a trip to Europe with my daughter and just couldn't conceive of going without drinking wine. I mean, Paris without wine!!!
So I did what good alcoholics do. I hid. I stopped posting on the forum. And I convinced myself that I could handle wine.
And for a while, I did. But all roads for me eventually lead back to binge drinking and embarrassing myself. OK, humiliating myself. Then I feel so horrible that I cancel all sorts of social engagements and hide until I get myself back under control. I lurked on the forum for several months, knowing that I was getting out of control.
What is different this time is that I feel hopeless. I feel like I have tried everything and failed. I am afraid that I will never learn to be AF and feel confident and comfortable again. We travel a lot and with friends and that always involves lots of drinking. And I can go along for a while but then it grabs a hold of me and I can't stop. I even had thoughts this time about how much easier it would be for others if I would just take some pills and go to sleep. Everyone, calm down, I am not saying I am suicidal. I would never do that to my family. I am just so tired to trying and failing. I need to know how to relax with others without drinking so I am not constantly on edge.
Any thoughts of help and hope will be appreciated greatly!