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Help- desperate(cocaine and alcohol)

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    Help- desperate(cocaine and alcohol)

    I am a chronic alcohol and cocaine dependent binger. I am 33 and have tried everything with great earnest only to fail over and over and over again. I sit here again alone and shaking in my flat with a few days of chaos behind me and days of no sleep and hell to look fwd to. For the 1000 time in my life. this has been going on for 10 years plus.
    I recently began the Sinclair Method taking nalextrone before each drinking session. things are worse than ever.
    anyone out there who has been trough this dual dependence, please advise on what is my best and most realistic way out of this hell.
    I am considering nalextrone and baclofen(to help with the anxiety) at the same time - people have reported amazing success at getting back to normal drinking or abstinence using nalextrone and i was so hopeful when i foound this that it may be the answer to my prayers. after a shockin start and doing some more research i have discovered that it is not effective for dual dependence hence why i am considering adding baclofen to the mix.
    I have no faith in my ability to stay sober thru abstinence/meetings as have failed countless times. I figure that if i can avoid all the people/places and things i associate with coke and i take nal/bac i may be able to retirn to normakl drinking or abstimnecne. The reason i say this is that i ccan often drink normally - as long as the situation is safe. I have never made a concerted effort to avoid all the old people/places/things......
    Am i just kidding myself?! Will the addiction come get me anyway? Will i just keep repeating this trend? I just don;t know anymore...i am desperate. Anyone who has gotten out of this dual dependence please advise if this nal/bac may work or what you think i ned to do. I am on my last body is struggling so much and worse of all i am down to my very very last grains of hope
    Thanks so much, i hope to hear from you
    I am well and truly in recovery, I thank Baclofen, the good people of MWO and my love of spirituality, the combination of which have helped to guide me out of the darkness in the last couple months. Cheers to that.

    Help- desperate(cocaine and alcohol)

    Hiya Charlieboy, I wasnt into cocaine but was into speed and heroin. I came off the heroin and my alcoholism escalated. I have spent years and years drinking, prescription drugs and recreational drugs. All I can say is that for me, it was my mindset that got me off the lot. I was desperate, just wanted to die.
    Please know that its possible to come through this xx
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Help- desperate(cocaine and alcohol)

      Charlie, definitely go the Meds thread as NE suggested. Lots of people there are having great success with Balcofen!

      Sending you peace and strength,



        Help- desperate(cocaine and alcohol)

        Hi Charlie: Yep, I know that desperate place. My heart goes out to you.

        There are many ways out, as you'll find from reading through this forum, and all are exactly right. Like neva eva, I am a baclofen success story, and there is scientific evidence that it also treats cocaine addiction. watch this;[/video]]YouTube - Baclofen dramatically reduces cocaine craving

        Then, as neve eva suggests, go to the meds section of the forum and read everything you can about baclofen. Especially the posts from Dr. Olivier Ameisen. His book, "Heal Thyself," was the beginning of a whole new paradigm for treating addiction and it just might save your life, as it has mine.

        Glad you're here. You've found a great group of people to support you, whatever path you choose.
        "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


          Help- desperate(cocaine and alcohol)

          Been there done that my friend. I still battle the demons but I got away from all access to drugs and am working on the rest. Get some rest, eat and drink lots of water.
          This is no way to live our life no matter how good it feels.
          People are counting on you...
          Love and strength
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            Help- desperate(cocaine and alcohol)

            Dear Charlie, I was in the exact place where you are. I was smoking lots of cocaine and my life revolved around that! I went into treatment for 3 months, got out and bought crack the same day. It was pure hell. I had pawned everything I owned, stole from people, anything to get more drugs and I was 75 pounds and almost dead from the lack of sleep and food. Finally after 5 years of it, I reached my breaking point. I got on my knees and I prayed that if God was real, would He please help me, because I couldn't continue to live on the drugs and I couldn't imagine my life without them. God reached down into the pit of hell, pulled me up and filled me with a peace I had never known. I felt real joy for the first time in my life. I never wanted cocaine again, because God had delivered me. After my kids were grown, we moved to the country and I was so isolated that I began to drink heavily. I prayed that God would deliver me, but instead, He led me to this site, where I made true friends and after a year journey, I am finally free! There is nothing that can get you out of your mess, but God. I pray that you find Him and He delivers you from this evil demon of drugs! God bless you, my dear friend. Love, Vicki
            I'm not what I should be, I'm not what I could be. I'm definetly not who I want to be,
            but I'm sure not who I used to be!

            There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still.



              Help- desperate(cocaine and alcohol)


              Hey all
              Many thanks for all the responses. I have started on Baclofen and am doing good - feeling positive and encouraged. I have started a thread to follow my journey on this med in the meds thread in case anyone is interested to see how it pans out.
              Again, thanks for being in touch and wishing you all the best
              I am well and truly in recovery, I thank Baclofen, the good people of MWO and my love of spirituality, the combination of which have helped to guide me out of the darkness in the last couple months. Cheers to that.

