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Bender blues

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    Bender blues

    Messed up again bigtime. 4 day bender. I'm losing so much to this thing right now. Precious time w my son, work, money, health. My brother seems to think my problem is going cold turkey and then making up for it whenever I get on the sauce. My counselor thought my girlfriend was stressing me out- I dumped her. I've drank so much since she came in the picture 3 months ago even tho she has given me so much support. I don't get it and I'm afraid to face the day.

    Bender blues

    sorry to hear you are struggling gearhead. Coming down from a bender is awful, hang in there and try to put a stop to it right now because it is only going to make you feel worse if you keep drinking. The day will have to be faced sooner or later, better you do it now and start sober now than delay it. I am relatively new so can't really give any valuable advice, just understanding how you feel. try to rest and stay hydrated and don't let the despondency drag you down any further. You really do deserve better, we all do. :l


      Bender blues

      Hi Gearhead. Are you still there? Sounds like a counseler who has more experience/understanding with addiction might be in order. Not sure what options you have tried so far to get sober. On-line support is fabulous but it is not always enough. Can you talk about what you have tried and what you are thinking about trying next? (meds, rehab, etc.)

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        Bender blues


        My entire 20's and early 30's has been dogged by bender after bender after bender- despite promising myself and everyone around me i wouldn't do it again. I did rehab for 3 months but was back on the vicoius cycle again 3 months after getting back home. I have tried so many things its unreal but when 'it' comes over me, i am screwed and suddenly there I am again, in the aftermath hell of a 2-3-4 day bender....alcohol and cocaine are my demons.

        So.......desperation. BUT!!! Then i found all this. Check out the Meds thread on here and look at Baclofen. I started yesterday and my progress thread is on there so u can see how somene with chronic binge/bender problems gets on. Reading the testimonials, the amount of people who have been 'cured' is unreal. There is loads of reading you can do by looking at the Meds thread on this site.

        I wish you all the best - I know how desperately painful this all is. Take a read:-

        The little pill that could cure alcoholism | Society | The Observer
        I am well and truly in recovery, I thank Baclofen, the good people of MWO and my love of spirituality, the combination of which have helped to guide me out of the darkness in the last couple months. Cheers to that.


          Bender blues

          I have heard alot of good stuff about baclofen! I wonder if my doctor will write me a prescription?

          So far I've engaged friends and family- let them know with the hopes I'll be accountable.

          I'm not sure if I even want to engage any help at work. It would be damaging if it was discovered that most of the time I've missed to take care of my "sick kid" was me being drunk. I'm ashamed about that-

          DG she's supposed to be an addiction specialist. But she was focused on stressors in my life- not the booze. There is definitively a correlation with this relapse and that girlfriend! Bad combo I guess


            Bender blues


            I ordered it online having read a whole load of posts and getting support from the online community. I have told a few mates I am doing it too. I check in here most days. I just got to the point where I had tried everything else and it seemed like the next best idea. Good luck with whatever you decide to do but please do have a good read through on Bac. All i know from my experience is that the benders have not stopped from all the conventional treatment methods(and non conventional) i have tried. Nothing could help, it was a vicious cycle that wouldn't let up. I am hoping BAC will be the helping hand I need.
            All the best!
            I am well and truly in recovery, I thank Baclofen, the good people of MWO and my love of spirituality, the combination of which have helped to guide me out of the darkness in the last couple months. Cheers to that.


              Bender blues

              Charlie, Gear,

              Good luck, our stories all mimic each others. Follow us all on the "Bac" side.
              For some of us this truly is "My Way Out".

              The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

              *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                Bender blues

                I'm so excited... I went to my doc today.. Explained my issue in great detail, then my findings on baclofen and my research. To my surprise he was totally willing to write me a prescription and even gave me the latitude to adjust my own titration/dosages! He gave me 90/ 10mg to start with, and 2 refills on that, and I'm going back to see him in a month. And this cost me SIX DOLLARS!!

                Ready to take the bac door out! Already took 30mg today spread out in 3 doses


                  Bender blues

                  Gearhead;1065315 wrote: I have heard alot of good stuff about baclofen! I wonder if my doctor will write me a prescription?

                  So far I've engaged friends and family- let them know with the hopes I'll be accountable.

                  I'm not sure if I even want to engage any help at work. It would be damaging if it was discovered that most of the time I've missed to take care of my "sick kid" was me being drunk. I'm ashamed about that-

                  DG she's supposed to be an addiction specialist. But she was focused on stressors in my life- not the booze. There is definitively a correlation with this relapse and that girlfriend! Bad combo I guess
                  Baclofen is the wonder drug, i get mine from and you do not need a prescription!


                    Bender blues

                    EXCELLENT NEWS!!! best of luck x
                    I am well and truly in recovery, I thank Baclofen, the good people of MWO and my love of spirituality, the combination of which have helped to guide me out of the darkness in the last couple months. Cheers to that.

