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What have I done
What have I done
Very scared I have been drinking daily for longer than I remember (10yrs plus). I really need to stop this horrid cycle I am scared that I have done a huge amount of damage to my internal not to mention my mental health which is in tatters. My stomach is very swelled and I feel pressure on my bladder which is frightening me - my own fault 100% I know :upset:Tags: None
What have I done
well the great thing is that you are seeing what you need to do .. so keep taking steps forward and it will get better in time ... so keep posting and reading to learn your way out .. god bless and stay strong and keep thinking positive:beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..
What have I done
Good morning Tired - and welcome - I hope that you have wandered the site and seen all the wonderful stuff here to help you. It is a hard journey but it can be done. Do you have a plan? Lots of us here were where you are when we first came here - read and post and decide what you want to do - someone will always be able to answer your questions, and we are here to support you. Hang in there....
Hugs, Sun xHow simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....
What have I done
Tired, welcome. You have found a great place for support.:welcome:
Here is a link to the Toolbox which has lots of helpful information to get you started.
Sending you peace and strength,
What have I done
Hi Tiredofthis and welcome lots of people have started off were you are now ( and a lot worse ) . Things start to get better quickly when you stop drinking and stay stopped. When i found this site i took the name Madman because that's how i felt i really did think i was going mad, i thought i was self medicating with alcohol to keep me on an even keel . How wrong i was, drinking was the problem . now my mental health is the best it has been in about 10 /15 years. Reads loads on this site and post, don't be afraid to ask for help .MMAF 5/jan/2011
What have I done
Welcome Tiredofthis. Not to pry, but have you seen a doctor? Getting a full checkup, stopping the booze, drinking lots of cleansing water and taking vitamins will have you on your way. Read alot as the others have said. Ask questions, post your feelings - we are here for you. You can do this. You ARE tired of this - we have all gotten to that point, and here we are. Best of luck to you friend. I wish you nothing but health and happiness!February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h
When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!
What have I done
Hey Tired,
You'll notice when you give up that all those aches and pains go. They say the liver repairs itself, so don't worry. Worry enough to stop though!
With regards to the mental health, your mental health will improve significantly when you stop.
What, do you think are the reasons for drinking?One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!
What have I done
Hello Tired, and welcome. GEt yourself some Milk Thistle and Vitamin B, eat loads for fruit and vegetables and drink loads of water. Stay close to the site, it provides a great deal of support and motivation. The cycle can be broken.While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
Benjamin Franklin
What have I done
Thank you so very much for all your kind words and sorry for the delay in coming back here my laptop died and I have only just got it back. I will take all your advise onboard and go away and make a plan, I haven't visited my GP I am too ashamedIf after some AF time I don't feel a difference I will bite the bullet and go ... thanks again and so nice to speak with others who have felt the same way and done something about it. Good luck in your journey I am following right up behind you all x
What have I done
Be prepared to do whatever it takes, tired. You may feel ashamed about approaching your GP now, but I'm sure there must of been incidents whilst you were drinking that have caused you even greater shame? Weigh up the odds here and always keep an open mind. If something's not working for you NOW then be prepared to make some sacrifices and change things in the future. More options is better than no option at all. I got to a stage where I had no options left BUT to approach my GP!!
Whatever plan you make give it 100%. Plant your flag (so as to speak) and commit fully to that plan. Good luck.
Many Blessings
Phil"Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
Clean and sober 25th January 2009
What have I done
Thanks Phil for your wise words.
I am ashamed of myself for getting me here and wasting such a lot of life, money, health, happiness ..... I have got myself here and I really don't want to be here anymore, I am fully aware that as I got myself into this mess there is only me who can pull myself out, so I will plant my flag and get my plan sorted and look forward and not back.
What have I done
Tired-- for numerous reasons I was always afraid to go to the GP and tell the truth. It was mostly shame. What I did was get off booze for a while and look at how I was physically-- often after a bender or when we are anxious-- we feel as if we have awful things wrong-- some do of course but often it is a byproduct of all the anxiety and self loathing. When I stopped drinking even for a few days and looked at my skin, my stomach , my BMs (ha), I was pretty normal. Later I did have tests not related to the booze but I sure looked at them for any bad signs --liver function, gall bladder, kidney etc-- not to minimize the awful effects booze cna have on our bodies-- but it is always helpful too to step back, breathe and assess when you are not in crisis. Then even if you feel as if there is an issue-- you will be more equipped to deal with it because you will not be in the throes of getting that alcohol out of your system. Near the end of my drinking tenure I was not drinking much but I had to wait until every last drop was out of me to think and act rationally-- I had so much anxiety and I did get treated for that-- but I had to wait until the "booze" anxiety lessened to assess the next step. Good luck!
What have I done
I know that feeling all too 28y/o I've been drinking for 15 years (yes started at 13) and began daily at huh. So I understand the aches/pains and still at battle with withdrawls and quiting. PM me, maybe we can lean on eachother.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I'm lost, I've gone to look for myself, so if I get back before I return, Please ask me to wait.