hi cq
just wanted to say i know what you are going through, it took me a long time to admit to my gp i had a problem and after trying to quit a couple of times i needed to take action it is so crushing to find when you finally admit you need help you're not going to get it as easily as others seem to. my gp practice won't prescribe drugs you have to go to outside organisations for them and yes they'e sat and listened to me as i've cried but it's not the same as you expevted it to be, hopefully your practise nurse wil help we don't even have one who is trained in al as far as i am aware, if so i haven't been told about her.
don't know if there is an aquarious group near you they can help if you want to go down the meds route, my nearest one was too far for ewme to attend so i don't know exactly how it works but my gp told me that was where i would have to go if i wanted them.
i understand about the cutting down bit too, i couldn't do it that way even though i was advised to the first time i'm an all or nothing girl, as for the withdrawal symptoms they do ease after a while you know, i took plenty of paracetamol l glut, and calms and as much distraction as i could.
just a thought did your doctor assess you for depression?
i wish you the best