Always doing things-All the Way..
So it's no wonder that when I started my drinking, I would be doing it all the way!
I don't want to have a major "Bottom" to get me to want to Quit.
I want to quit NOW!
This morning I got down on my Knees and prayed to God," Please Help Me"
I am so Out of Control. And then it Hit Me! I really need to reach out for Help. Because I can't do this on my own, I've tried many times(always my pride in the way),always thinking
I have it under control. Guess what- I Don't!
So starting today, I need to start making a commitment to do everything I can to stay Sober! And that means Being Humble, and Reaching out to other's!
This will be hard & alot of work, but what I've been doing in the past-Just ain't cutting it!
You Must Feel If you're going to Heal!!!!!