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Naltrexone Help!

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    Naltrexone Help!

    As everyone knows I've been using Naltrexone for over 10 weeks now, tonight I am drinking like I used to - although I've not reached the usual limit yet.

    Have I had an unusually long honey moon (it's usually 2 or 3 weeks), is this normal. I've had hardly any cravings, and most days I've been oblivious to alcohol. When I had drunk I've usually put the second glass down.


    Naltrexone Help!

    Hi UK,

    Yes, there is a honeymoon period with Naltrexone and I think this is typical. Just like many people in recovery, there may be times when you have a slip...and it sounds as if this happened to you. However, you are doing SO much better than you were before and you have worked hard to achieve sobriety. Keep it up. We are all pulling for you here.


      Naltrexone Help!

      Thanks I think the honey moon is usually a lot shorter than the period of success I've had, and thus it appeared I had succeeded with TSM.

      Good news is that I stopped after 1 1/2 bottles of wine, 13 units. So still not back to old levels of drinking as such.

      I've now been 'drunk' twice in 2 weeks, one thing I had noticed is that both those times involved dealing with something difficult for me earlier that day. So I am now wondering do I avoid difficult situations, or learn to deal with them at this point. Unsure.


        Naltrexone Help!


        Like all of us, you'll have to learn to deal with stressful situations without the AL. Just think about it...when you do have a difficult or stressful situation, AL takes away your motivation and your absolutely deal with it with a clear head. The alluring thought that AL will help you escape from your difficult situation is a lie. When you are sober you will realize that the temporary "escape" was not worth it because the problem is still there.


          Naltrexone Help!

          Just been advised not to worry, to expect spikes like this and just to carry on taking the Naltrexone whenever I drink.

          Ok, can do that!


            Naltrexone Help!

            Yes, that happens. Nal did not work for me in the past as far as my drinking levels went, but I was more in control of my drinking and I didn't say or do stupid crap. You've recognized the situations that make you vulnerable to increasing your intake, so be mindful during those times.

            My honeymoon period lasted about 2 weeks this time -- never had one before. I bought a 4-pack of Perrier water. One trick I learned is that when I'm tempted to pour that 3rd glass, I have a Perrier instead, and tell myself if I really still want it when I'm done with the water, then ok. But every time, I've decided I had enough. I don't know why it works, but it does.


              Naltrexone Help!

              hoping4better;1144015 wrote: Yes, that happens. Nal did not work for me in the past as far as my drinking levels went, but I was more in control of my drinking and I didn't say or do stupid crap. You've recognized the situations that make you vulnerable to increasing your intake, so be mindful during those times.

              My honeymoon period lasted about 2 weeks this time -- never had one before. I bought a 4-pack of Perrier water. One trick I learned is that when I'm tempted to pour that 3rd glass, I have a Perrier instead, and tell myself if I really still want it when I'm done with the water, then ok. But every time, I've decided I had enough. I don't know why it works, but it does.
              I completely agree with this, the times I've gotten drunk with Nal have been those where I've ploughed into the alcohol very quickly. I am more successful if I sit back and let the first couple of mouthfuls actually touch the sides, and settle a bit. Usually by the time I'm halfway down the glass I'm really not bothered.

              So lots to be learned here.


                Naltrexone Help!

                Quick update on this, am back to normal taking the Nal and not drinking with ease. It can stay like this thank you very much!


                  Naltrexone Help!

                  ooips o dnkont now whoy hwoy perh0payus pehrapd i thisnk my heajd , alllw neeot know[[[[ siepethszxnvsdxn;jkxhnf;sjkxdbvcjkdzx
                  Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                  Keep passing the open windows


                    Naltrexone Help!

                    so if we say sieze the day it will be perfect
                    Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                    Keep passing the open windows


                      Naltrexone Help!

                      my name is pllly soielijg aand I Am a n alocolic
                      Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                      Keep passing the open windows


                        Naltrexone Help!

                        may noame is polly ok ina alocohol . if la la l la i lookds like im am aloosidrer im and on d
                        Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                        Keep passing the open windows


                          Naltrexone Help!

                          and so can anyohe take fot ke
                          Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                          Keep passing the open windows


                            Naltrexone Help!

                            i am goin g to belgioum.
                            Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                            Keep passing the open windows


                              Naltrexone Help!

                              neil young ... she so fine she in yourn in hihrwe you calllkkiing...........
                              Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                              Keep passing the open windows

