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I have called

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    I have called




      I have called

      I agree Sun-- I am a fan of Obama but my thoughts about the system are really more from living in several other countries where health care was provided universally. My husband is a partner in a law firm and so is considered self employed. We pay 1800 a month for insurance. Our insurance is good I suppose or as good as any of them are-- but I just remember when I was seriously ill and seeing so many folks who had the same disease and it not being treated simply because to do so would bankrupt them or becasue their plan did not include a particular type of tretment. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard people say "My job pays for my insurance-- why don't you just get a job and get insurance.?" Please-- tons of jobs do not offer insurance even if you have the job or people are working as temps or part time-- or they are paid so little it is a choice between rent and food and insurance This is not to mention the vast number of good people who are not working now despite trying very hard to do so. A society with full access to health care would in my opinion only be a better society all around on a basic moral level but hey-- I don't make the rules. I hope you are okay though-- it is so agonizing feeling stuck and without resources.

