I apologise if my post was perceived as being harsh and reading back I agree, and it has prayed on my mind since posting, maybe I should clarify where I was coming from and why I felt so strongly.
Last year a very close friend of mine was put in a similar situation by her teenage son (who is a bit of a techie nerd, meant in a good way!), her husband has an addiction (not alcohol) which her son discovered through snooping on their computer and with good intentions confronted the parent who denied it, and then confronted both parents with his knowledge. The result was a huge change in the family dynamics and other family members became involved who were very, very judgemental. My friend is now going through a very bitter and messy divorce and the family is divided, other family members/siblings blame her son for meddling although he confronted the situation from a position of wanting to help, once it mushroomed he was out of his depth and still is. The repercussions will continue for many years I think.
Bruunhilde?s post speaks very eloquently and compassionately to you and I would listen to those words. I also know Inchains has a huge amount of experience and knowledge for someone her age and she is offering a hand of friendship and support and I encourage you to take it. Please don?t apologise for any ignorance around alcoholism, at your age I was completely oblivious to the outcomes of my social drinking in my teens yet here I am on a site for alcoholics

Your post hit a nerve with me because my friend is suffering so much at the moment, as is her husband and their families and I feel helpless for them. I wish you and your family well.
Dewdrop :h