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Do we ever get better??

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    Do we ever get better??

    im feeling so pissed off and angry, is this our life??? God, why is it some of us end up like this, its just shit!! Who heard that Amy Winehouse had died and suddenly realised that were all just as likely to end up in that premature grave because of this shit that weve used to try and protect ourselves , oh God, get me outta here!!!

    Do we ever get better??

    Santybury, "very emotional especialy after amy winehouse dying, so sad. Er, still drinking, still, feeling like shit and thinking theres no way out, so not great I guess" was you response to how are you doing.....

    Santybury, Amy Winehouse's death really hit home for me and I've been AF for a long time. At one time I feared I was slowly killing myself and I was probably correct. That is no longer the case. It's no secret that AL has the very real potential to do extensive damage to mind, body and spirit and even death. It is very likely that your "still feeling like shit and thinking there's no way out" is directly related to the fact that you are "er, still drinking". I'm sorry you are feeling that way, but your outlook will undoubtedly brighten when you stop drinking. Yes we do get better. When we stop drinking. How can we help you do that? Can you stop now? Pour it out now? Do you need help with a plan?
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      Do we ever get better??

      Hi Santy,
      Greeneyes ain't lyin'.

      One of the great tricks that alcohol keeps up its sleeve is the one it's playing right now on you - the one where it's all so unfair that you're the way you are, where life's just rotten and poor old Amy, I'm doomed innit...

      Of course it's a load of cobblers. It sucks when your own brain is doing everything it can to persuade you that you are an incurable fuckup and you need alcohol to deal with all the crap life throws at you. It's the worst feeling in the world and one thing is true - it kills people. But it's still cobblers.

      The only thing that can untangle your brain is not drinking. Easier said than done. In fact I couldn't do it at all until I found baclofen, which did most of the hard work for me. But even baclofen might not have worked had I not known, deep inside, that this drinking bullshit has to end or I will be dead 35 years ahead of schedule.

      One way or another you'll sort this out and realise how fantastic life is. It's only alcohol that wrecks the party.


        Do we ever get better??

        Hey Santybury,

        Yes I was upset when I read that Amy Winehouse had died. I didn't know her. I was upset because a young girl of 27 could not find her way out of her addiction. It is a waste of a life and of her considerable talents.
        I agree with Seethepony, AL does keep us locked into such an unhealthly depressing downward cycle.
        It is not until we can let the alcohol go - become sober and work on our sobriety, that we can begin to feel lighter and brighter. There is a way out. Put down the drink, gather as much support as possible, keep close to the message boards (go to support groups if possible) and then your body and brain have a chance to start to repair the damage from the years of alcohol abuse.
        It is worth it. There were times I could not believe I was capable of doing it - but I have.
        If I can, you can.

        All the best.
        Amelia x

        Sober since 30/06/10


          Do we ever get better??

          Hunni, there are 2 answers to your question.. Yes it most certainly does if you stop drinking. Saying quitting is hard doesn't even begin to cut it but it can be done, if you want it badly enough. Even when you quit, life is full of challenges but you see it and deal with it.
          The answer is no if you continue to drink. It'll get far worst. The self hate will become unbearable. The self hate nearly put me into an early grave. Everything will get worst and you'll never be able to deal with lifes challenges by drinking.. It doesn't solve them, it makes them worse.

          If I can quit, believe me you can but you need to go through the pure living hell to get to the other side. If you don't, you'll continue where you are.

          Amy winehouse.. Well, I was tge biggest fan. I cried for days whenshe died. I don't know why it was such a shock as everyone saw it coming but it was for me. It is believed that she was on week 3 of being sober/clean but she suffered a fit dye to withdrawal.. Time will tell but I pray this is true and it wasn't an overdose or bad pill. Amy was taking soo many drugs, all at once then taking 3/7 vallium at one time to bring her down.. Not to mention the al she was on. She was an extreme case bless her.

          Get rid of the al and suck it up and be the person you want to be. Ignore the cravings, ignore the voices and they will get weaker and you will become stronger. Give in to them and they will always be stronger, always control you and will send you into an early grave.

          Choice is yours my friend.
          Best of luck. Xx


            Do we ever get better??

            Hi everyone,

            I am on day 21 today - but instead of being jubilant I wake up depressed, I have upsetting dreams, and my head still feel woozy.:upset: I know I need a little TLC.
            make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


              Do we ever get better??

              The best TLC I found was the MWO Hypno CDs - seriously!
              I used them over & over. Think about giving them a try :l
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Do we ever get better??

                I am on day 76 and trust me, it does get easier in time as long as you don't drink. (Or successfully mod)
                I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


                  Do we ever get better??

                  Jesse I'm on Day 3, and feeling tired and woozy. Are you taking supplements and eating real food? You should be feeling better now. If you're eating crap food, drop it immediately and eat good food. If you need to cheat to stay AF, cheat on fat more than sugar if you can. I find the sugar dangerous. It saves me from cocktail hour but it seems to addict me hardcore to sugar and I don't seem to feel better as fast.

                  On another note, congrats on 21 days, that's EXCELLENT! :goodjob:


                    Do we ever get better??

                    And Santy, are you still here somewhere? Just realized your post was from 7/29...

