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Attempting a Taper

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    Attempting a Taper

    In Chicago. Basically drunk for six weeks. Sart Baclofen on Tuesday. Wife's asleep. Drinking a beer an hour.

    Attempting a Taper

    Feel Awful

    I want out of this!


      Attempting a Taper

      Hi Hilda and welcome. I dont personally have any experience of tapering down but I am sure there will be more members along who can help. In the meantime here is a thread that may be of some help.
      Keep safe
      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


        Attempting a Taper

        Hi, Hillda

        And thanks KTAB!

        I tapered differently when I started on baclofen. I liiterally measured the amount of alcohol I was "allowed" for the day. You're going to have to throw all the resources you can marshall at this thing.

        While you're waiting for your bac, can you get hold of some L-glutamine? It really helps with the cravings.
        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009


          Attempting a Taper

          Hi Hillda - just wanted to welcome you. Here's a link to the meds thread - you'll get lots of help and support there, esp. with the Bac.

          Topamax, Campral, Naltrexone, Baclofen, other meds - My Way Out Forums


            Attempting a Taper

            Thank you

            Thanks for your support. Just woke up from a nap. I'll continue with one bear an hour. It seems to keep the shakes, sweat, and drunkeness at bay.


              Attempting a Taper

              Thanks again....

              Thank you KTAB. I can't go to the ED because my wife works there. The standard of care is a liter bag of IV fluids and 2mgs of IV atavin. I get out and drink.


                Attempting a Taper

                Hi Hillda,:welcome:

                For me it was a relieve to go to ER and be put on an IV because of dehydration. Is your wife aware of how hard you are trying to stop? It took me years to admit openly that I have a problem with alcohol - I was too ashamed, but once I admitted it, it was another enormous relieve.
                In the meantime, read as much here as you can, go for long walks if it's possible, and know that by tomorrow you'll feel better. Can you call AA - they will be very understanding.
                Remember that all us alcoholics have been where you are now. There is hope.
                make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


                  Attempting a Taper

                  I'm back. Ended up in the ER. Treated with Atavin and IV fluids. When I posted earlier, it was my darkest hours. I appreciate everyone's support.


                    Attempting a Taper

                    I got "over my skis." The taper didn't go well. Ran out of beer and started shaking so I walked to the ER.


                      Attempting a Taper

                      That was a good decision. Are you managing now to cut out alcohol? Did they give you a plan and medications to taper or cut out AL? Please keep us informed, we worry.
                      make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


                        Attempting a Taper

                        Morning hillda,

                        Hope you're doing better today...yesterday sounded very hellish for you! Yesterday was an rock bottom day for me, too?got up this morning and took my 1st Antabuse (again). Have some Clonazepam on the shelf just in case I start losing it.

                        I agree with the others in hoping you get assistance in making a plan for your recovery...everyone is here to support you!
                        "The Pessimist complains about the wind; the Optimist expects it to change; the Realist adjusts the sails."

                        —William A. Ward


                          Attempting a Taper

                          Started Baclofen

                          Tuesday, I consulted with the doctor here in Chicago and got my Rx for Bac. I discounted the slow titration advice out of zeal and my large size 6'5'' - 230lbs. Thursday, I was up to 90mgs (3x30) and feeling euphoric - my wife called it manic. To come down I turned to beer, my favorite calming agent. Had some crazy SEs like my head was full of pressure, nausea, insomnia, headache. Backed down to 30mgs yesterday. Feel much better today but spacey, lethargic, apathetic. 40mgs (4x10) today through Monday. ETOH consumption has halved since Tuesday. I attribute this to lack of energy in going to the store and belief that ETOH and Baclofen don't mix well that's outwitting my usual cravings.


                            Attempting a Taper

                            Last post in this forum...

                            Thanks everyone. Harrowing indeed but familiar -- I've done that a dozen times since '99.
                            Went to a jazz show last night. Took me 1 hour 45 mins to finish a pint.
                            Been on it for only a week but could this be Baclofen? No cigs or anxiety since Thursday. I'm intrigued.

                            I'll start up again in the drugs forum.

