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Baclofen and acid reflux

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    Baclofen and acid reflux

    Has anyone else suffer acid reflux from taking Baclofen? I just started using it as prescribed by my pain management doctor along with Kadian for pain related to peripherial neuropathy. The acid reflux I have suffered is terrible and also causes asthma. A terrible burning in the throat and associated chest pain and wheezing. I've had reflux in the past from certain food such as tomatoe sauce and mexican food eaten to close to bedtime but this is the worse ever. I know its not food related since I watch my diet very close to avoid any acid reflux. It could be from the Kadian also and I am looking into this. The doc said to slowly back off the Baclofen which I am doing but I want to see if anyone has experienced this? Thank you.

    Baclofen and acid reflux

    Hi Mat,

    Baclofen and Painkillers are a deadly combo for GERD which will eventually lead to Esophagitis. I have experienced bleeding from GERD. A good idea is to shelf both of them and watch your foods..keep it bland and avoid certain foods (you will find it on the net). If problem continues or shown symptoms of becoming chronic you can take PPIs like Nexium with consultation with your GP. And above all Alcohol is the key cause of GERD so stay AWAY from it completely. Thats my 2 cents worth...hope it helps you.

    All the BEst



      Baclofen and acid reflux

      Thanks Vijay! I did not take the Baclofen last night and no reflux! Thanks for the reply and advice, much appreciated! :thanks:


        Baclofen and acid reflux

        In the meds section of the forum, there are many who are taking baclofen and have had many different SEs (side effects). I suggest you post there, you will receive many replies from those that are taking baclofen.:welcome:

