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Will I experience withdrawal?

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    Will I experience withdrawal?

    I did try going to some a few times, but to be honest they were so not for me, I just dont really get it at all!

    Its 3am now and I wish I could sleep or something but since I didnt even get my ass out of bed til 4pm today I cant see that happening I feel all hungover and horrible


      Will I experience withdrawal?

      No worries, its not for everyone.:-)

      3 am huh? Where are you?

      Hang in there, when the sun comes up, you get a fresh start.:-) and tomorrow you wont have to feel the way you felt all day today.


        Will I experience withdrawal?

        I am from the UK! Where abouts are you from?


          Will I experience withdrawal?

          I'm in the US, Colorado to be specific! How ya doing? Hanging in there?

          I was just reading some of my old post from my old screen name (i forgot the password and don't have the same email) and wow, I feel so different. If you want to read my old screen name was down2earth...I've really gotten better!


            Will I experience withdrawal?

            ooh awesome I have such a thing for the american accent lol! anyways... I noticed on your old account you say you have msn? I will PM you my email and then you can add me if you like to chat .


              Will I experience withdrawal?

              Yea, I used to...I had to change all my email and chat stuff when I left my fiancee. But I just responded to your pm. Let's definitely keep in touch!

              ps, I totally have a thing for an English accent! LOL!


                Will I experience withdrawal?

                Hi Tablesalt and Gal!
                It's good to meet both of you. Just wanted to pop in and say Hi and let you know there's lots of support around here, so keep posting.
                I look forward to getting to know you both!
                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

