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Will I experience withdrawal?

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    Will I experience withdrawal?

    I have been through a Librium detox back in February as I was drinking 6 litres of cider a day... everyday... bad I know

    anyway... I stopped for several months but these last 2 days i drank about 6 litres of cider in total... will i experience any withdrawal symptoms from drinking this much for 2 days?


    Will I experience withdrawal?

    Hey there tablesalt,
    I am new again to posting on MWO, but not new to withdrawl.

    I relapsed for 4 days after 4 months of sobriety, and I did go through withdrawl and had to be hospitalized in order to be safely medically detox. I drank vodka (about a half gallon each day.) So I went pretty extreme. It doesn't sound like you drank as much as I did, but its different for everyone.

    The good thing I learned is that typical withdrawl symptoms that aren't medically dangerous subside after 72 hours.

    Good luck to you.


      Will I experience withdrawal?

      Thank you for your reply! I am sorry to hear that you had to be hospitalised! that sounds awful...

      It has been around 17 hours since I last had a drink now and I feel okay I think... slightly anxious and I know there is no chance of me getting to sleep tonight

      If it was going to get really bad would I know by now?! When I did the librium detox it was almost exactly 24 hours after my last drink that I was in some kind of full blown panic state with my heart racing etc etc...

      so far its not that bad... I know you cant tell me for sure but do you think its likely to progress to that state again?


        Will I experience withdrawal?

        For me, withdrawl would begin 4 hours after my last drink and be full blown after 6. So it sounds to me like you arent going to have the DTs or anything crazy. It's still not going to be comfortable and yea, sleep maybe difficult tonight and maybe another 2 nights.

        But here are somethings that helped me get through the discomfort:
        -drink as much water as possible (its not easy, but it will flush the toxins out)
        -try drinking some Orange juice with honey mixed in (it sounds gross and super sweet, but AL depletes your body of vitamins, so the OJ will help with that and with flushing and because AL turns to sugar in your body add the honey will provide your body with a bit of extra sugar and the shakiness won't be as bad.
        -warm showers or baths, it gives you something to do and can relax you. Take ten if you need to.
        -try to eat something, I know I never had any sort of appetite when I was coming down, but getting a cracker or two in your tummy will help.
        -find somethings to distract you, a good movie or a book, or reading posts on here
        -dont lay in bed at bedtime if you can't sleep, it will be torture! You'll get to thinking and may make yourself panic for no reason

        Hang in there! Relief if just around the corner!!


          Will I experience withdrawal?

          thanks for the tips and the reassurance that it probably wont get MAJORLY bad....

          do you have any good film recommendations? I generally like supernatural films like 'the craft' and blood and chocolate... stuff like that...

          I have just eaten some melon it was good but I dont really have an appetite .


            Will I experience withdrawal?

            No problem! Just stay out of your head, that's the scariest place to be when you're alone!

            Good job on getting some food in ya! It's not easy, oh boy do I remember those days!! Not fun!

            Here are some movies I thought of : The Rite, Paranormal Activity, (1 and 2), The Exorsisim of Emily Rose...but maybe watch something light and funny too. Give yourself a smile today. You're only a few short hours away from having 24 hours without a drink! That's something to be really proud of!

            Each hour will get easier and if you ease up on yourself you will relax and hey, you may even be able to catch a little sleep!


              Will I experience withdrawal?

              thanks for the recommendations! I will download the rite now as i have seen the others lol .

              the stupid thing is I even went out and bought more alcohol today? why the hell did I do that? When I got drunk these last two days pretty much all I thought was 'i dont even enjoy this feeling' so why do I do it?!


                Will I experience withdrawal?

                The Rite is really good!

                Do you think you're going to drink the booze you have at home? Just remember if you do you'll have to start all over again, and it won't get any better, it will be worse when it ends again. Try to dump it. Get the temptation out of site and out of reach. I can't tell you what to do, but if were me, I would end up drinking it if either A) I started feeling super anxious and wanted instant relief or B) started feeling better and thought I could handle it once again...

                You can do this! One hour at a time right now, maybe even one minute....but you can do this!!


                  Will I experience withdrawal?

                  I know I should chuck it out... but for some reason I am hanging onto it... all it does is make me feel bad anyways

                  thank you for all your advice and such tho, I am starting to feel a bit better I think (not feeling as anxious as I was earlier).


                    Will I experience withdrawal?

                    I'm glad to hear that.:-) keep up the good work.

                    If you really don't want to drink toss it out. Trust me, you'll be proud you did and you won't ever have to feel that, "oh, my God, I've done it again!" feeling.


                      Will I experience withdrawal?

                      haha! I HATE that feeling!

                      but it is weird not drinking, I don't have many friends and am extremely shy so without drinking I find it very hard to interact with people!


                        Will I experience withdrawal?

                        thanks - and I hate that feeling! but it is weird for me being sober cus I am soooo shy and not drinking makes it very difficult for me to interact with people!


                          Will I experience withdrawal?

                          You will learn, I was the same exact way! But I'm not anymore. I've been able to figure out how to be myself and I freakin love it!


                            Will I experience withdrawal?

                            I hope so! I am hopeless with interaction and most people think I am very strange


                              Will I experience withdrawal?

                              Seriously, don't be too hard on yourself. I believe that once your free of the booze and your head clears you'll see you're not strange at all! :-)

                              Have you ever considered going to an AA meeting? It's totally fine if you're opposed to that, believe me, I understand! However, I have been going to meetings since this time I got sober (i have about 13 months) and as I started getting to know people, I realized that I had so much in common with them!

                              If you really don't want to do that, don't fret, there are plenty of ways for you to meet people who understand you.

