My guy won't even talk to me after one too many belligerant outbursts. I have managed to hold onto my job, and hide this from everyone else, but feel increasingly out of control. And now his family and boss know, cat's out...
Have any of you done this without going into treatment? I don't have insurance or a ton of money, but I'm bad enough off to KNOW that I need help. 12 steps are not for me, this isn't God's job to fix, it's mine. Plus, God as I understand it at this point would be alcohol. So, there's that. I actually believe that I got myself into this, the idea of schlepping off the responsibility elsewhere seems futile and possibly just another dependency. Although, perhaps I'm just full of BS. Any thoughts, ideas, hope that's worked for any of you would be much appreciated, I am open to considering anything reasonable right now.
Thanks for providing a place to share....