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Out of the darkness

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    Out of the darkness

    After my meltdown of yesterday, and feeling much, much better today, I wanted to share my experience of last week, of going to a work dinner and NOT drinking. This may not seem that significant to others, but it was to me.

    It was initially strange going to the bar and ordering a tonic water, my Boss was standing beside me, so that helped. The incredible shame I felt over last weeks fiasco also helped abstain, as did the promise I made to my lover I wouldn't drink whilst there.

    I actually ended up enjoying the evening. I spoke a lot less than I would normally have done whilst drinking, listened a lot more, and was generally more in tune with the people there. I wasn't the life of the party as i normally am. It was a fairly tense evening for me, as I knew my lover was coming to the dinner later (no one there knows about us) and I normally would have to be drunk to deal with it.

    However when he arrived I was O.K with the feeling of awkwardness, it was like I was just experiencing and watching the feelings, and not having to get rid of them.

    Later when he and I talked privately, the same feeling was there, I was aware that this was probably one of the few times I have been with him sober, I got the feeling he was feeling a bit uncertain about the "newness" of it also.

    He and I had 1 glass of red wine, which I didn't finish (I didn't want it)

    I wont go into TMI, but being intimate with him sober was a revelation for me....and he told me later, him. I always believed that I couldn't be intimate with someone without alcohol , I thought I needed it to lower my barriers, well the experience of sober vulnerability was something I will treasure, and hold onto for a long, long time.

    It was one of the most loving experiences I have ever had, and I have realised that sober lovemaking is truly beautiful

    I intend to not drink for the next 30 days, I am going to a conference tomorrow for a week, lots of drinking, and I am determined to do it AF. I will take my laptop, ( my Iphone is difficult to post with) so I can yell for help with everybody here if needed .

    Bless you all.

    Out of the darkness

    Hi Daya, wow you have been through a lot! Good for you wanting to do the conference sober (you will probably take in more and remember more).
    I hope it goes well, stay strong!
    Pinky xxoo


      Out of the darkness

      Good work Daya,
      Stay strong and I'm very happy that you are sounding so much better.
      I refuse to be labelled or ashamed. Through my struggles I am achieving self awareness and clarity.


        Out of the darkness

        Excellent Daya, I'm so pleased for you. And thanks for sharing the revelation, its one thing many of us can look forward to. Your sharing the story in such a lovely way made it all the more poignant. I hope it gives you the strength to be AF when you struggle with it in the future. There is so much hope in your story, I wish you the best.


          Out of the darkness

          Great post, daya - it just shows what's possible, doesn't it?

          Good luck for the 30 days! :goodjob:
          I'll do whatever it takes
          AF 21/08/2009


            Out of the darkness

            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read

