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Why bother

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    Why bother


    Why bother

    TheSunFlower;1196583 wrote: to fail time and again?
    Hi Sunflower, and a warm welcome to you.

    Why bother?

    Lot's of reasons not to bother aren't there? Or are those perceived reasons not to bother just illusions? Alcohol is a mind altering substance, yes, i know you know that. It is also a depressant, which will exaggerate any sadness, or negativity around us, and often even create it out of nothing.

    Alcohol is a liar. It is lying to you right now. The booze in your system, and/or the recent memory of the booze in your system is playing havoc with your body/brain chemistry, and promoting a negative outlook. If you are thinking but hang on, i've been sober for 3 months, then your body/brain chemistry is still healing, so have patience.

    If you're still drinking, what are you going to do about it? Do you prefer the hell of drinking to the relative discomfort and excitement of stopping and a new life? Scary? Yep, but you can do it. I had to ask myself which way i wanted my life to go, and decide.
    I couldn't choose my addiction, but i could choose to stop it and change.

    Our toolbox is a great source of info and inspiration. Have a read.

    Take action. Feel the fear and discomfort and do it anyway.

    Best wishes on your journey. G bloke.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Why bother

      Fantastic post Mr G.

      Listen to him Sunflower, he really does know what hes talking about.
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        Why bother

        Hi G

        Thank you for posting lots of positive things



          Why bother

          Sunflower, why bother? Because you are worth it! And only you can do it. Great advice from Guitarista; dig deep inside - how much do you want this? Read as much as you can here; you'll find stories that relate to how you feel now and inspiration for marching forward.
          Wishing you all the best - keep in touch!
          Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


            Why bother

            Exactly Sunflower you should bother because you are worth it.
            I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

            Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

            Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


              Why bother

              Sunflower, the reason to bother is that all the failures are part of the process and things will get better even if you can't see that right now. Just keep trying to get more and more AF days - don't even think about quitting altogether yet if you're not ready.

              May I recommend another book? This one is about harm reduction and helps you set some goals. It doesn't say that you should even quit drinkig. I think it's a worthwhile book because it's not an "all or nothing" proposition. How to Change Your Drinking: A Harm Reduction to Alcohol - 2nd Edition by Kenneth Anderson. Here's a link on Amazon (it's strange looking because there's actually a typo in the link itself but I don't want to change it in fear of screwing up the link):

     how to chanbge your drinking: Books

              I really believe in baby-stepping this whole process is the right way to go for some of us. If it's overwhelming to just stop then we're much better off just trying to lessen the damage we're experiencing from drinking. Get a few days af here and there, post and read on this site, read lots of books on alcohol, etc.

              Please consider getting this book and let us know how you're doing today. Drink lots of water with lemon, talke L-glutamine for cravings. I think the idea of self-hypnosis is also worth exploring (I'm doing that right now with a book).

              Let us know how we can help.

              Hugs to you.


                Why bother

                Sunflower, G makes an excellent case. I recently read that the fear and discomfort we feel at points in our life of starting something new/different is an important part of stretching and challenging ourselves in growth. You can move through it to get to the other side. Trust me, the other side is deffinately where you want to be. That's why you bother with the uncomfortable stuff. Go ahead and push through it!
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  Why bother

                  From a quote I saw quite a bit yesterday - accident, no!

                  Every Day do something that Scares You.

                  This can be a scary ride, but at the end of the ride we will relish the reward.

                  I have "failed" soo many times these past few years and was hesitant to post again, we can't count our falls only the times we get up. Why keep at it? For me, it's health both physically and mentally. The AL was robbing my sober time by filling me with debilitating anxiety and over time it was going to affect my physical health.

                  It is worth it!!



                    Why bother

                    Hi Sunflower. Just wanted to tell you that I completely relate to that helpless feeling. At the end of my drinking, I didn't really see the point of continuing. I am SO glad I found a way to stop drinking and I KNOW that you will feel that way too. So please don't give up hope. I love what Guitarista posted for you. I hope you will read that and hang onto those ideas as your life line.

                    You are worth it!

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      Why bother

                      Ditto to what everyone else said. "Bother" because you deserve a good life, a healthy life, a life with less stress, less anxiety and more money. "Bother" because pouring poison down your throat is not naturual, our body tries to tell us this every time we drink (if only we'd listen). Nothing worth having ever came easy. This won't be easy, but it will defintitely be worth it when you get there....and we'll help you along the way. Please hang in there, you definitely are worth it!

                      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                        Why bother

                        Thank you so much to everyone. Not feeling all that great today....but, its ok. I know why I drink......I just don't know why I choose to do it again


                          Why bother

                          Every time you try and fail, you learn something / add to your experience. I don't think very many (if any) alcoholics try and succeed the first time. Most that I know have failed umpteen times. Keep trying, ok? You never know which "try" will be The One.

                          Good luck .. and keep posting!
                          AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                            Why bother


                            I was there years before.......sober nine months. During that period my thinking changed....and I was just plain grateful to not be plastered by 7pm....nor did I want to. I went back out.....and this is getting seriously stupid as I know life is way better without it.

                            I remember a friend asking me in my mid-point of this...."Don't you think about alochol?".....and I could honestly answer "No".

                            So I already know its better....I know there are some tough spots......but so what?

                            Thank you to everyone who took the time to post.


                              Why bother

                              Hello SunFlower, YOU are worth BOTHERING about!!!! This journey HAS to be about YOU and FOR YOU. 9 months sober is awesome and you obviously know how different things are when we (the collective we) are sober. That feeling is awesome too! Such freedom. I was sober 6 years and have now been so again for 44 days!!! My thinking is different again and I'm just SO relieved that short visit to wrestle with the demon is over. I've just finished reading Jason Vale's book which was recommended by Unwasted and it is a great read for sure!!! One thing that resonated with me was that I don't have the wrestle with my head going on all the time about whether I should/could/deserve to drink on a particular day or at a particular time. If you have decided to be AF there is so much less to worry/ponder/make choices about. It gives the freedom to do wonderful things - all the time, not just in sober moments. Do this for YOUR life - YOU are worth bothering about.
                              It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                              Mother Theresa

