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just want to drink to feel better...

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    just want to drink to feel better...

    sitting here. had lots of plans for today but drank too much last night, again, and have done nothing but sleep and watch tv because my head hurt so bad and i have felt so sick all day. now i am thinking of making a drink to just feel better and not feel the headache anymore...ya, ya, will just have a headache again tomorrow but i don't care about tomorrow right now. just want a quick fix. why have i become such a weak idiot...arrrgghhh! might have a drink soon.
    stupid but true. same story every afternoon.

    just want to drink to feel better...

    Dove, your days sound so familiar to me. I'm sure to many of us. It's like Groundhog day, the same day over and over again. For me there came a point for years of trying to control the madness (or try to moderate). I've come to realize that it doesn't work for me. It's more of a battle actually trying to moderate than when I didn't think I had a problem. At least then I was in denial and had some moments in my day when alcohol was not front in center. I found moderating kept alcohol on my my almost 24/7.

    After years of coming to this site and some successes (mostly failures), I have decided once and for all to set myself free. Like some people presently on this site, I have read Kick the Drink and it has helped me very much with my mindset. I don't feel the "lightbulb moment" many people seem to have. I have more of an understanding of the brainwashing and the realization that alcohol has caused the uneasy anxious feeling we get between drinks in the first place. Trying to relieve that feeling with alcohol only repeats the vicous cycle. I also understand once and for all, that trying to control drinking doesn't work, it only leads to a feeling of deprivation between drinking sessions.

    Ive been on this journey for many years and for me it's been a combination of things that have finally lead me to this point. This site has been wonderful. People are so helpful. Keep checking back and best of luck to you.

    I think the bottom line is not to give up trying to set yourself free.


      just want to drink to feel better...

      Dove...alcohol is a poison and it is addicting. Your body and brain are simply accustomed to getting a jet fuel blast of sugar in the form of alcohol. You are not weak-willed. You are addicted. The good news is that you can break the hold of addiction.

      You do that by not drinking.

      There is a lot of advice and practical info for getting past the physical withdrawal. It takes time to heal and it takes some concentrated effort to correct faulty thought patterns - alcohol has also altered your brain chemistry and circuitry.

      Here is a link with a load of info about getting your body and brain working again:

      Identifying & correcting the biochemical disruption of hypoglycemia and alcoholism

      AF life is wonderful....The only things I gave up when I stopped drinking? Despair, depression and a progressive fatal disease. My worst day sober is better than my best day drunk.

      You can have freedom, too....
      Sober for the Revolution!
      AF & NF July 23, 2011


        just want to drink to feel better...

        Hi Dove, I kniow there are lots of people on here who can give more advice from me but to me the fact that your on this site shows your not happy with your drinking and want to do something about it, I have been trying to stop, control or pretend I havent got a drink problem for years and the only way I know that I will ever be free of it is by not drinking. I dont know your story but if you can just try not to drink for one day you will be amazed how much better you will feel tommorrow, and within a few days depending on if you need to detox(if you do by the way get medical asap) you will be amazed at how much clearer and stronger you can feel.


          just want to drink to feel better...

          Dove, I'm right where you are today. I'm exactly thinking the same things and feeling sick from last night.


            just want to drink to feel better...

            Thing is, if you drink now, you will feel awful later. However if you don't drink, this feeling bad will pass and not be returning because you drank since you didn't drink.
            I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

            Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

            Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


              just want to drink to feel better...

              Read the book The Sinclair Method! It works, it takes time and you need a prescription but it has helped me tremendously! I have been doing the program since the spring and now can go all week with out a drink. I am enjoying hobbies again, waking up feeling confident, and have lost weight. Six glasses of wine a night will pack on the pounds. There is a way out of the mess you are in and it doesn't have to be painful. Please google search The Sinclair Method, it has saved my life!


                just want to drink to feel better...

                Dove...I hope you are ok today sweetie.
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem


                  just want to drink to feel better...

                  Yeah I hope that your doing good Dave as well.
                  I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                  Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                  Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


                    just want to drink to feel better...

                    This used to be my life. Drinking so much and going to bed drunk only to wake up feeling awful saying to myself "I'm not going to drink today". But I would drink and the cycle went on and on. It took me having a health scare to get off that scary cycle. Everyday it gets easier. I wish you the very best. I didn't stop on my 1st attempt or my 2nd or my 3rd. Don't get to down on yourself. Everyday is a new beginning! Don't let your head talk yourself into that 1st drink.
                    RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

                    "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy

