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Urge surfing works when cravings hit

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    Urge surfing works when cravings hit

    I posted this yesterday on a different thread and it was suggested to maybe share it. If it will help with anyone overwhelmed with cravings I will be glad I repeated it here.

    Last night was a very very close call with AL. The cravings were very intense when I was making supper. I kept thinking I love this peppermint tea I am drinking but really I was thinking "no what you really want is a cold beer". And as much as I tried to enjoy the tea I couldn't. I found myself getting weaker and weaker. Almost salavating for the beer.

    I knew it wasn't me thinking but the Beast talking no, SCREAMING in my head.

    So I tried something I have never done before (but read it in the Tool box thread). I tried to ride out the urge, urge surfing. I read it before and thought "That will never work, the cravings will just keep getting worse all night long..."

    But I tried it anyway and kept drinking the tea.

    AND....I kept thinking about
    Scenario #1 - Tomorrow after having a sober night
    Or Scenario #2 - Tomorrow after a beer binge.

    I went with #1 and tomorrow which is now today was FANTASTIC!!

    Phew. It was really hard in the moment. But like the tool box says, the urge ACTUALLY fades away. Something I figured would just get stronger actually disolved. Thank goodness.

    And I also made sure I ate right away with the family so the urge was completely killed for the night! Very happy to have made it through that one!

    Hope this helps others

    Urge surfing works when cravings hit

    Way to go Meech, I am going to remember this when the cravings strike.



      Urge surfing works when cravings hit

      Meech thanks so much for sharing that helpful experience. It's a real user friendly tool for an intense seemingly unmanageable situation. It really is doable! And the successful urge surfing really empowers you and makes you stronger for others that may pop up!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        Urge surfing works when cravings hit

        I am still getting those cravings/urges, some days worse than others, but I just keep remembering what its like to wake up, and not have done anything I dont stupid, that I dont even remember.

        Sorry for the paragraph of a sentence there, English was never my strong suit....or Math, Biology, Sociology But come recess and gym.....GAME ON
        Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



          Urge surfing works when cravings hit

          :H I kinda liked recess myself Nelz!

          Meech, when I first came here I was told, over & over to just wait it out - sometimes the urges left in as little as 15 seconds, some much longer. But you gain strength each & every time you win a battle
          For me Distraction was key! I learned to stop doing whatever I was doing at the moment & go do something completely different. It's amazing what changing your focus can do
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Urge surfing works when cravings hit

            thanks Meechie!!
            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
            Live in the Solution....not the problem


              Urge surfing works when cravings hit

              I love the term "urge surfing"! It gives me a feeling of being able to triumph over something that seems bigger than me. Thanks, Meech!
              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                Urge surfing works when cravings hit

                This is my first time here and I need ideas to get me started. I must choose abstinence. Ideas?


                  Urge surfing works when cravings hit

                  Hi animallover,

                  :welcome: to MWO, this is a good place!

                  I started by downloading the MWO book from the Health store here on the site. It has lots of info about the program, supplements, Hypno CDs (which I highly recommend), diet, exercise, etc. If yu choose to take Rx medications (I didn't) you can read about them as well.

                  Putting together a good plan for yourself is essential. Addressing your drinking triggers & how you plan to handle them differently will help you reach your goal
                  Jere's a link to the which is full of great ideas to help you write your plan.

                  Please feel free to visit us in the Newbies Nest thread (located in the Just Getting Started section) for more support!
                  Looking forward to getting to know you. Wishing you the best!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Urge surfing works when cravings hit

                    Hi Meech and everyone else, I had an urge surfing moment last night. I suddenly had a feeling of loneliness in the evening while making dinner I don't even know what triggered it, but loneliness is a big trigger for wanting a drink. I remembered this thread and decided I would "stay in the frying pan" and not just jump out as soon as it got a little hot.

                    I went through dinner with the family and cleaned up the kitchen figure that may help... It did but the urge/loneliness didn't go away. I knew the cat was out of cat food, so I decided to drive to the grocery store and get some, along with a few other things. I decided to listen to a mindfulness cd during the drive. I took my time and mindfully shopped in the grocery store and mentally went over my blessings. By the time I got home the urge ended and it lasted for a little over an hour. I'm so glad it passed. In the past I never could have even lasted 15 minutes without giving in.

                    I feel the more I practice urge surfing and use various tools to get over an urge and try not to "scratch that itch" as soon as it comes up, the stronger I will be and the shorter these urges will last.. Thanks for starting this thread.


                      Urge surfing works when cravings hit

                      So happy urge surfing is working or many are trying it

                      GREAT JOB PEACE!!! :goodjob: You stuck it out. That was a mean/nasty urge you had to fight off lasting an hour but I am pretty sure you were SO PROUD OF YOURSELF when you rested your head on the pillow last night and when you woke up this morning!

                      The idea came right from the Tool Box. but because it worked so well for me I thought I would single it out in this thread.

                      The thing with this strategy is it really makes you MENTALLY STRONGER (as Lavande pointed out) and for many of us that is the key. ESPECIALLY once we have surpassed those first 3-5 AF days when it's physical as well.

                      If I can conquer the mental using this method each day I really do get stronger.

                      Nelz - Totally with you on the recess and gym! I'd still be in school if it was only that. :H

