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Now what?????

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    Now what?????

    On Saturday nov 19th I will be 10 weeks AF . I have had my temptations but I'm still AF so thats good, however now I'm at the place where I'm almost thinking I can do this anytime I want (quit) . I read somewhere that there is a time where the alcoholic starts to think they are fine and I'm afraid I'm there!!!!! I also have a party on Saturday ( where I don't plan on drinking)
    Does it pass? Does it last long? anyone have tips on self sabotaging????
    I'm happy being AF and I'm a little afraid i guess!!!!
    I am the master of my fate . I am the captain of my soul.

    Had 10 weeks AF from 9-11-11 to 11-24-11

    AF since 2/20/12

    Goal no.1 - 1 week DONE !

    Goal no.2 - 2 weeks.

    Goal no.3 - 30 days.

    Gaol no.4 - 10 weeks .

    Now what?????

    I have been where you are. You feel great.....think you have mastered it now....because like you said you can quit anytime. I gave in and drunk again.......and I would get totally smashed and have a great time getting back into my old habits.......until eventually I would be back to where I started.

    If you are happy being AF I would advise you to stay sober for this party. See how you feel. You might be so happy and relieved on Sunday that you didn't get drunk and make a fool of yourself that the temptation to drink will have passed.

    I self-sabotage with AL and I binge. I know it doesn't take me much to talk myself into a drink. I am really trying to change that now.


      Now what?????

      Great posts here everyone.


        Now what?????

        awesome post mollyka..thanks!!
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          Now what?????

          mollyka;1210351 wrote: What I would say is that it gets harder and harder each time we 'quit'. That worked very well for a while, but the slippery slope beckoned big time. In my arrogance I ignored the warning signs, the 'extra' drink I would pour when no one was looking etc. culminating in a disastrous binge a few weeks ago. once alcohol was re-introduced into my system, it triggered a horrible wishy washy sort of half hearted state of mind that I hated, the booze thoughts never seemed to really go away, ...........
          Think very seriously about where you are in your head before you decide to take a drink. And it really really really is NOT as easy the 2nd 3rd time to give up - I reckon it triggers something in our alkie brains when we go back after any length AF.
          YES, YES, YES!

          Hiya Saoirse,

          I wish you all the best on your journey. The choice is yours of course. We will only know where our relationship with alcohol is through experience. But often we choose to ignore the overwhelming evidence of our drinking that is staring us in the face, and has brought us to this site. We must be honest with ourselves, and i'm sure you are. Just be careful if you do decide to moderate, and don't let yourself disappear into that deep,dark, depressive and anxiety ridden black hole, from which many struggle to return.

          Congratulations on your AF time. That is a huge achievement.

          Why not see through the year at least. No rush to drink, is there?

          Safe travel's, and enjoy the party.

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            Now what?????

            Hi All,
            Wow, what posts to read, thank you for sharing this. The first time I really went AF I did it thru hypnotherapy and it was so wonderful and as time went on I started to think, well, that was so easy I can do it anytime that I want. So, I started to drink again thinking what could it hurt I could stop anytime, but the next time I hit a bottom the hypnotherapy didn't help at all and I have had little success with it again. I would give anything to have that affect again and try to make it last, now I think I have to do it thru willpower.

            Please try to stay strong during the party Saoirse, it does get harder each time for some reason. I keep thinking if I wait long enough between times I can get back to that first time, that makes no sense. I admire you so much for your 10 weeks AF.



              Now what?????

              Thanks everyone for the support.
              It is amazing to read all the advice ( mollyka) it's as if I'm being handed a look at what my life could look like in the future and an opportunity to live without regret!!!!
              I promise to go to the party and enjoy it AF, I will post on Sunday to let ye know I kept my word!!!!
              Guitarista , I guess it gets harder every time because we know we can slip up anytime and so we live with the fear of that happening, I don't want to live in fear so I'm going to do my best to finish this year AF !!!!!!! I will really try!!!! But 1st I deal with tomorrow night!!!!
              Thanks so much for all the advice it's great being able to write and get "honest from the heart responses." I will let ye know how I get on tomorrow night xoxoxox
              I am the master of my fate . I am the captain of my soul.

              Had 10 weeks AF from 9-11-11 to 11-24-11

              AF since 2/20/12

              Goal no.1 - 1 week DONE !

              Goal no.2 - 2 weeks.

              Goal no.3 - 30 days.

              Gaol no.4 - 10 weeks .


                Now what?????

                Just wanted to say that I've been there and done that, staying AF for weeks just to mess it up all over again. It's not worth it to me anymore. I did have to hit rock bottom before I could stay AF. I had health issues that caused me to take a hard long look at where I was headed to make me stop....this time.

                You can do it. Sometimes staying sober at a party can be way more fun. This way you can watch the others drinking and laugh at them/with them. LOL

                You can do this!!!
                RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

                "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy

