Before the party I was feeling sh**ty because I hadn't hung out with these people since I quit drinking and I didn't want to have peer pressure. But also I was afraid I wouldnt know how to react or socialize with them all. Turns out i was grand , I actually had some fun!!! I had a red bull and chatted away without the desire to drink alcohol.
After the party ( 2 hour boat ride ) I was proud of myself and went along with everyone to a restaurant/bar where we ate and everyone drank except me. By now a lot of people are drunk. Some are funny ! Most annoying the ffffffffffff out of me!!
Finally at midnight most people are heading home so I finally get my drunk husband to leave. His brother is also drunk so he obviously cant drive and will stay the night at our apartment. In the past whenever myself, hubby, and his bro went out we would finish up with drinks at my apt. tonight however on the drive home I told them they could not drink at home! It's a one bedroom apt and I didn't want them loud and noisy while I tried to sleep, plus I frankly felt like it was disrespectful of my hubby to want to continue drinking at home when I'm no longer drinking.
He doesn't want me to drink and is happy I am sober, but he doesn't give me any credit for staying sober and continues to drink a lot around me whenever we go to party's .
He says things like. " look a Sally she's not drinking ," like it's soooooo f**king easy to quit!!! It's hard to go to a party where every one is drinking and ur not!!!! It pisses u off and makes u feel bad about yourself in the 1st place for getting yourself in the situation!!!!
I didn't want my hubby to continue drinking and told him he had to come home , but we had a fight and he said he was going to have a drink with his bro!!! And now he is at some bar and I'm fed up at home!!! I just wish he knew how I'm really trying to do this so we can have a better life. He was already drunk and In my opinion should have come home , his bro also.
Was I wrong to try to force this?? Should I have been cool with him continuing to drink , though he was already drunk?? I don't know what I'm supposed to feel right now! I'm really glad I didn't drink tonight , but when hubby is behaving like this , it makes me wonder why am I even bothering?