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I drank tonight :(

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    I drank tonight

    Hi Lifechange. That merry-go-round of good intentions and failure is so demoralizing! I'm on day two myself. Let's stick around and beat this once and for all!
    ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
    Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


      I drank tonight

      i will be checking into this sight several times daily, Irie.
      look forward to hearing more from you!


        I drank tonight

        heyyyy galbt85,

        Eat some tablespoons of honey, eat a meal and stay up until it wears off.
        U will not have a hangover, u might still feel a tad sluggish..that's it
        iPhone dock
        weight gain during pregnancy


          I drank tonight

          galbt85;1221235 wrote: I had like 3 shots in some drink at a restaurant then I had two bacardi breezers and some vodka and I'm so fcked up, I dont wanna be hungover for work. I've had like 3 water bottles in the past 2 hours, took some tylenol, is there anything else I can do?
          jrbm18;1221237 wrote:
          heyyyy galbt85,

          Eat some tablespoons of honey, eat a meal and stay up until it wears off.
          U will not have a hangover, u might still feel a tad sluggish..that's it
          Here's a recipe the two of you might enjoy.


          Description: For those who want to advertise on this forum or for those who joined just to post nonsense.

          Ingredients: A tin of Spam

          Time: 5 minutes

          Difficulty: Easy unless you're an idiot.

          Serving Size: One serving serves all

          Preparation: Open the tin of Spam. Get out a very sharp knife.


          Cut the Spam into chunks and fry it in a deep fryer or frying pan.

          Or bake it whole in the oven. Cool a bit and slice.

          Or boil it in a pot of water.

          After preparing it in whichever way you prefer, take the knife and stab yourself in the foot.

          Then take your advertising and/or your silly posts elsewhere. This is a forum for alcohol addiction. So do us a favour and go away.
          For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
          AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


            I drank tonight

            Just a quick hello and wanted to say that coming on here shows great motivation to change, and that is the single best thing that we can have to improve our lives and kick the drink into touch. 1 hour, 1 day or 1 week is fantastic and opens the opportunity start seeing what we can do with our lives. There is lots of help and advice on here and all over the net, so keep looking round and you will hopefully find what you are looking for. my best wishes go out to anyone today who is trying to slave this visious beast of alcohol. Together we can do it


              I drank tonight

              Hi Saoirse, Firstly bloody well done on your 10 weeks sober! That is some achievement and you should be proud. I was sober 6 years and made the conscious decision to drink again and be a grown up about it. That fantasy lasted about 10 seconds into the first drink - it was on again - the same horrible cycle. I struggled for a while but had a 'rock bottom' incident on Sept 9th and have been sober ever since, AND intend to stay that way. I took Campral when I first got sober and I don't know whether it was mind set or the meds - it worked. I'm back on it now and same scenario. I'm determined so I'm sure Campral does its job and I'm doing ok so far. I never look at my 'struggle time' as a huge negative. What I now know is I can't drink like a normal person. I get sucked in immediately and the place my drinking leads is not a place I ever want to be again. Perhaps you can look at this as a true lesson about how your relationship with AL works. I know for me I'm much better off without it and I'll do whatever it takes to keep AL free. I do find on Campral I'm not as mentally sharp and I sleep like the dead but that's a small price to pay as far as I'm concerned. I've got a fairly high level job so I have to write everything down and leave myself notes. No big deal, I had to do that at night when I was getting wasted, difference is I can actually read what I write these days! You've done so well, this is a positive lesson. One piece of advice I'd give is nip it in the bud now. The longer you 'play' to see if you can manage it the harder it will be to get back on the wagon. It was for me anyway. I'll never win the game - I know that now. Also, don't waste time on downing yourself. Keep focused on what a good job you did staying AL for 10 amazing weeks! Hugs, Amanda.
              It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
              Mother Theresa


                I drank tonight

                Yes I drank tonight/today, as I always do.....I have NO willpower and need help, some divine sense of honesty and truth to slap me in the face. I can't stand the way I am right now, very depressed and full of anxiety - as usual. I like coming on here and reading posts as well as the positive reinforcement and encouring words I get from all of the MWO members, pray for me - please!


                  I drank tonight

                  Girl 1973-

                  Hi! I just wanted to see how you're doing today. Sorry to see you are still struggling with the beast of alcohol. Believe me, I have been where you're at more times that I can count. I was consumed with anxiety and stress. The last time I drank I laid in bed crying the morning after wondering if I would ever get better. I had quite a bit of sober time in 2011, and everytime I drank I felt like such a failure. I just want you to know that you are not alone in this. For me, alcohol was the cause of my anxiety and depression. Now that the alcohol is gone, so is my stress. I know it is NOT easy to stop drinking, if it were, none of us would be here. Is it possible for you to get a couple of sober days in, let your head clear, and then figure out a plan that will work for you? We are here to help. Please stay strong and let us know how you are!

                  :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                  Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                    I drank tonight

                    Girl, you might want to consider posting in the Newbie's Nest for additional support. I'm glad K9 found you here, but this thread is kind of old.

                    I too was anxious and depressed when I drank, and now I'm not - all tied to alcohol. It's not easy, but doable. Start getting some small goals achieved. 3 days, one week, etc. and it will get easier.

                    Sending you peace and strength.:l


                      I drank tonight

                      Hi Girl! Yes, please join us in the Nest. Even 5 minutes sober qualifies you as a Newbie!! So come on over. Honey, we've ALL been where you are so we understand how you feel. Whatever way we can help we will even if it's just to listen...
                      Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
                      (quote from Bean )

                      Goal: Survival

