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indiffrence i think need help asap

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    indiffrence i think need help asap

    Ive been lurking here for about 8 weeks when i started my bac i went up slowely and think i hit the switch on christmas day at 155mg, i could,nt belive what happened just when i was considering stopping taking bac because of the sheer chaos, depression, bad temper,dizziness and confusion it happened when i was taking the dog for a walk and almost quiet quickly i felt a sense of sheer euphoria and a totally relaxed at one feeling when i got home and looked at the beer in frigde it had no appeal to me what so ever my wife opened a beer and i made a cup of tea i cant stress enough how much i did not want to drink after 22years of very heavy drinking and all of a sudden like a miracle the obsession had gone just like that, that night i took 10mg of diazapam and slept like a baby for 8 hours now in the past when i tried to stop drinking i never got any sleep for the first 3 days, plus no really bad sweating this time and no bad withdrawls at all, this almost seems to good to be true. i would like to say thanks to every one on this forum reggie who first helped me out and loop, bleep, trip and many others who's knowledge kept me going when the bac was messing with my head or maybe it was the alcohol tryng to fight the bac you see i could not stop drinking until i hit the switch, which i now know made my se worse, now that i feel better i hope to post more on the boards but for now can any help me with the next steps;
    iv upped my does to 160mg should i carrie on and go up ?
    if so for how long and up to what dose ?
    and what about coming back down how quick ?
    p.s iam 116kg
    now that am not drinking the se are a lot better but i do go back to work in 14 days but could stretch it out for maybe 24 days at best. iv got to get it right because my liver count is terribly high and iv got to get it down
    also i would like to here from anyone who experienced sheer chaos before hitting the switch because i could,nt take much more and then like magic things got a lot easer i still can not belive what has happened to me i also know its early days and hope things stay good.:thanks: to all of you for saving my life i dont think i would have been able to keep going if it wasnt for every one here:l:h

    indiffrence i think need help asap

    What a wonderful post. So glad to hear that things are brightening up for you. I can't help with your bac question but it certainly made me glad I logged in to read your post. I hope things continue to get better and better.:goodjob:
    Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
    If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
    November 2, 2012


      indiffrence i think need help asap

      Hi Dags!

      Good to hear your news! You might get more help if you move your post over to the meds section. You could probably even copy and paste it there. Not that the fine folks in general won't wish you a warm congratulations, but they probably don't know as much about baclofen in general.

      In the meantime, I wouldn't think you need to up your dose more if you're feeling indifferent. The consensus on coming down is varied. If and when you're ready to come down, you might want to consider the 20 mg a week thought. Again, you'll get many more ideas about this over in meds.

      Congratulations, my friend!
      This Princess Saved Herself


        indiffrence i think need help asap

        There seems to be some chaos going on over in meds at the moment. I think someone is changing their user name and posting all sorts of strange and rather disturbing things. So, you can just ignore it, or wait to post. This is unfortunate, indeed!
        This Princess Saved Herself


          indiffrence i think need help asap

          thanks red

          i dont even know how to go to meds ?


            indiffrence i think need help asap

            If you go to the MWO forums main page and you scroll down, I believe it's the one under the I need help ASAP forum. It's labeled Topamax, Campral, Naltrexone, Baclofen, and other meds. This is the forum you seek. Do ignore the strange stuff going on. There's someone named JonnySwallows with the latest. Good luck! I do hope to see you over there. If you still can't find it, let me know.
            This Princess Saved Herself


              indiffrence i think need help asap



                indiffrence i think need help asap

                Hi dags. Not sure if you will see this but just wanted to add my congratulations! Finding our way out is a miracle no matter how we do it! So glad you have found yours!

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  indiffrence i think need help asap

                  Hi Dags,

                  I just wanted to check in and see how you're doing today. I know you haven't posted in meds. I guess it seems a bit strange there right now, and folks are preoccupied. It will resolve and probably quickly. Do you have any pressing concerns at the moment? Anything I can help you with? I know I'm only one person, but I'll do my best to help any way I can.

                  This Princess Saved Herself


                    indiffrence i think need help asap

                    thanks red

                    thanks red all done

