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im sorry i woulnd ask if was not deswperate

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    im sorry i woulnd ask if was not deswperate

    help. i have phon e 999 thonwantto talk to me i have have phone aa people and left me number thay wondt talk to me cos im drujk drunk.... i cant spell pmy wordd..... i want want some some help =willl pleas someone soberphone me muy number is 07814094496... please .. ia am stuggling i have tried all the thing im am supposed to do pleswase im am feeling a bit drdesperateewee i would dn i woulksnot ask if i was not desperate... its ok i will pass out soun but pleazse
    Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
    Keep passing the open windows

    im sorry i woulnd ask if was not deswperate

    Spuds, I can't call I'm in another country and at work. Put down the bottle and climb into bed with some water. Stop trying everything you can think of and just set your mind to doing it!!!! Said with much love and respect. You have to make the choice about what you want more - sobriety or this happening over and over. Get meds if you can and think it will work. Do whatever it takes - if being dry is what you want. It IS hard, but it can't be harder than living like this surely? Biggest hugs, and remember to check in ASAP once this is over so we know you're alright.
    It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
    Mother Theresa


      im sorry i woulnd ask if was not deswperate

      zen i wantto stop drinkinking but i feel in the bad plave where i cant,,, i am stoppong on jan 1 i am... i dont get any pleasure out of drinking any more.l. no pleasure at all just need
      and k0re need i do not kike being this peson............ i will not be this person onyromre......annore.... anhymore....... i am going to be the nice mersone thn that i know i am,,,, i am a nice person...... a fucking wondorful [perosn..... the thief on my tounge steeals myubrean
      Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
      Keep passing the open windows


        im sorry i woulnd ask if was not deswperate

        Spuds, I've been reading this site for a long time and have seen you here during all that time. Have you tried any meds? Just throwing it out there since your other methods haven't worked.

        Sending you love:l:l:l


          im sorry i woulnd ask if was not deswperate

          I am in the USA but will speak over the phone if you need to...your phone number is confusing! Kris.


            im sorry i woulnd ask if was not deswperate

            Hi Spuds,
            Please check in and let us know how you are doing. It's sad to hear you in such an awful state. You want this to end...but only YOU can do that. Are you willing to do anything to make that happen? I don't think you should put this off until January 1st...even though that is only 2 more days away. I think you should make it happen NOW. What will 2 more days of drinking do except make you sick and sad? Do you want to repeat this over and over? Please stop. We care about you. Let us know how you are.
            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              im sorry i woulnd ask if was not deswperate

              How are you spud? hope you are ok xxx
              Taking it ODAT

