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Hi another waster needs help.

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    Hi another waster needs help.

    Hi ,
    i'm fucked,my doctor says my liver is so destroyed by my drinking that it can't process
    drugs properly.I am a codeine addict,i need 250mg a day to just be normal,i need to drink every night to take away so many pains,yet i know i am such a good person inside,why am i destroying myself.

    Hi another waster needs help.

    Hi Zorba,
    I see you've joined in 2009, with only 5 posts.
    Do you read here much?
    I think to get the best benefit out of a community such as this, you give as much as you can, & receive 1000 times more. That's just my take on things.
    Some folks only choose to post occasionally, & that is of course their personal choice.
    I hope you find the help you need.


      Hi another waster needs help.

      yea man i'm in a bad place right now,this is my 4th relapse to the beast,and i think i'm done.the drugs are only a way to keep me out my head all day.the end is near.bye folks.


        Hi another waster needs help.

        hey zorba, i'm having a complete fucked up day myself.
        tell me about yourself to distract me.


          Hi another waster needs help.

          sorry man,
          now i'm on my wifes voddy,i'm a true alky and druggy,they dont know how to treat me.i just want it to way or the other.they gave me suboxone 2 weeks ago and ive never been so fucked in my life.but im still trying to live.


            Hi another waster needs help.

            darlin' , first off I am a woman, so be charming!!! :H
            I can't hear ya on the drugs stuff, but I know how you feel on the death front.
            But you didn't answer my question....tell me 'bout yourself.
            I'll start.
            Blond hair, grey eyes, Taurus, left handed, stubborn, hate my arse & tubby stomach.
            Like cheese & all things dairy. Hate mushrooms & all offal.
            Love animals.
            Ya get my drift darl now your turn.....!


              Hi another waster needs help.

              my doc says i am also an opiate addict and it is the easier of the two evils to treat.i myself would rather say just give me some 10mg valiums and i''ll be ok.why cant they just do this .it would solve so many problems.


                Hi another waster needs help.

                why can't you tell me about yourself a bit/
                get off the subject of your problems & just talk ,Zorba.
                Ain't hard. Just talk.


                  Hi another waster needs help.

                  sorry took
                  me so long to remember my password.


                    Hi another waster needs help.

                    now i'm back i'ma 52 year old male,been a pisshead all my life,as well as any drug will do to make me feel better,found codeine and my god 20 nurofen plus every day sure helps.i'm fucked.


                      Hi another waster needs help.

                      Hi i am still here.i am a junky,alky,waster,


                        Hi another waster needs help.

                        n by trade

                        oh hell split post!!!


                          Hi another waster needs help.

                          oops sorry zorb half deleted post...

                          Iam not possibly the best person to talk to you right now....
                          complete dimwit that I am.... sorry.


                            Hi another waster needs help.

                            dont worry im just thinkin that it cant be any worse.2morrow.


                              Hi another waster needs help.

                              Zorba, I take prescript codeine amongst loads of another painkillers, I drink every night have done for years, took drugs in my teens, I am the same age as you, I have numerous pain problems and use drink and drugs as props to get thru life,can you come to chat I am here now,xxx Twitch

