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Hust starting out and need help

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    Hust starting out and need help

    Hi. I hope posting under this thread does not make people think I am in an emergency situation..just very unfamiliar with online chat groups. I just found out about MWO yesterday and it sounds exactly like me -- high funcitioning mom and executive hoping no one at work or the carpool lane sees me getting a bottle of wine a night...and a six pack for my husband!

    My husband and I want to start togehter but the side-effects of Topramax are clearly insupportable with his job. As I was bouncing around, I saw an entire thread on BAC and assume thier are entire threads on all other newer drugs so that we could find an appropriate one to support him through this effort.

    But, I am too unused too online chats to find that again...despite my best efforts. Could someone please direct me to the posts/threads that review the latests pros and cons of all the prescription drugs that are possibilities since she released her book.

    I am so excited to get started...just want to make sure I know the best up to date prescription drug thoughts before I dive in.

    thank you.:new:

    Hust starting out and need help

    Hi MtnMama,

    Welcome to MWO!
    This is a good place, keep reading & you will find the right way for you & your husband

    Topamax, Campral, Naltrexone, Baclofen, other meds - My Way Out Forums

    Please drop in the Newbie Nest thread for more support (in teh Just Starting section)
    Wishing you the best!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Hust starting out and need help

      Hi MtnMama, welcome to MWO, as Lav says go to the meds section there is lots of help and useful info there so I hope you both jump in. There are different medications so it will give you both a chance to read up on others experiences and something to think about.

      Good luck


        Hust starting out and need help

        Hi MtnMama
        Different meds seem to work for different people. Some people do very well on one and others find no relief, but then they find something else that works for them.
        Welcome to MWO.
        Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
        If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
        November 2, 2012


          Hust starting out and need help



          If mental acuteness is an issue, as it is for many, you might want to consider starting with Naltrexone.

          Baclofen seems to have the best success but it does cause tiredness and some brain fog. However, if you titrate up VERY slowly, you may be able to circumvent the worst of that.

          Good luck!!

          AF April 9, 2016


            Hust starting out and need help

            Hi MtnMama,
            do head over to the me meds section and familiarize yourself with the many pharma options available.
            Myself, I use Bac and I also work in a hi pressure job where one slip up will cost the company a lot of money. Nodding off might occur of you titrate up quickly but I've found that espresso shots or ice creams fix that.
            Diggin' being alive


              Hust starting out and need help

              :welcome: MtnMama!

              Hope you will join us over in the newbie nest! Don't know much about the meds - never went that route. I think it's absolutely wonderful that you and your husband have decided to do this together. You will also find a tremendous amount of support here. There are many different levels of becoming AF and while I'm no expert, I think you start to get better in touch with your inner self. Once the fog of AL clears, you just seem to look at life a little differently.

              Hope you stick around and good luck to you and your hubby on your AF journey!
              Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

