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Feedback after 30 days AF

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    Feedback after 30 days AF

    Dear members,

    I got 30 days AF guys!

    It was not easy and I found myself very tempted during meals and parties. Also when faced with breakdowns, I was very tempted to turn to AL for immediate relief.

    Overall huge difference in inner peace, emotional balance, being present, good color on my face, better and deeper sleep, 5 lbs weight loss, and my depression has lifted. I was drinking about 3-4 drinks per evening, 6-7 days per week with 1-2 of those days being binge days with 6-7 drinks. I drank at that pace for 20 years until Dec 15, 2011.

    This time around, as it is my third time having passed 30 days (I did 30 days and 36 days last year), I gave up on the idea of moderation. For 99% of us, it will bring us back to heavy drinking or even heavier drinking than historically. I have no control over my drinking. Not the end of the world, nothing wrong about it, it is just so.

    Thank you all for your geniune care and for your posts.

    Kind regards, Patrick.

    Feedback after 30 days AF

    Thanks for posting this Patrick, and a huge well done for your 30 days! :goodjob:

    It's very encouraging that you didn't give up when times were tough, and I think it's a wise decision to stay AL free rather than try to moderate, given what you said about your previous attempts. Stick around and let us know how you get on
    Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


      Feedback after 30 days AF

      Well done Patrick. Keep at it!
      Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


        Feedback after 30 days AF

        Excellent, nice post Frenchman, yes you are so right and even after a few days we can start to see many improvements. Well done, do keep us informed how it is going for you. Your drinking habits mirrored mine almost exactly.
        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


          Feedback after 30 days AF

          Wow Patrick that is wonderful. You should be very proud. You clearly see the benefits and have fought the battle in tempting situations. GOOD FOR YOU!

          So glad to hear you've given up the moderation fantasy, as I like to call it. I would bet we'll be hearing from you at 60 days. And before I hope.


            Feedback after 30 days AF

            Bravo Patrick!!
            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
            Live in the Solution....not the problem


              Feedback after 30 days AF

              Patrick that is wonderful ! I am so pleased and happy for you - also i am interested in that you have given up on the idea of moderation - I too gave up and went 8 months then started again thinking I could mod - but ended up in the same place - so this time I have decided it is for good. I am early days yet - but do know I will not start again. I can't, like you, mod - so thank you for reinforcing this for me.

              Hugs, Sun X
              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                Feedback after 30 days AF

                Well done Patrick on reaching 30 days keep up the good work
                AF 5/jan/2011


                  Feedback after 30 days AF

                  Patrick, Good job on 30 days and during the Holidays no less!

                  Also I appreciate your post because your drinking habit sounds a lot like mine did. I'm on Day 15 today and planning to stay that way for 2012.


                    Feedback after 30 days AF

                    Well done Patrick. Like you I fantasized about moderating. Bad idea. So I too will not drink again. Except for water, juices, fancy AF concoctions, yummy teas, coffee, hot chocolate etc.
                    I have a cupboard full of teas and a freezer full of frozen drinks. A full Brita in the fridge at all times and lemons and limes in the crisper continually. I find having all these choices makes it easier when I get a little antsy.
                    Best of luck in 2012, I will be walking along beside you.
                    Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
                    If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
                    November 2, 2012


                      Feedback after 30 days AF

                      Ann 221;1245040 wrote:
                      So glad to hear you've given up the moderation fantasy, as I like to call it. I would bet we'll be hearing from you at 60 days. And before I hope.
                      YES Ann the moderation "FANTASY" i too lived in that world of make believe... but no longer..
                      Patrick i can't wait to join you for day 30... 1 day at a time. congrats.

                      AF since Sept 2013...


                        Feedback after 30 days AF

                        Patrick, thanks for coming back and giving us this update. It's extremely helpful to those of us just starting out. Sounds like your life is on a good track! Best to you.


                          Feedback after 30 days AF

                          Congratulations Frenchman!

                          30 days is a fantastic achievement. And moderation is a load of horse s#*&! (for us)

                          Keep it going!

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            Feedback after 30 days AF

                            I tried modding after 2 years AF. I was right back where I started within no time flat. I can not mod either. It is much easier to stay sober than it is to try and moderate.
                            Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                              Feedback after 30 days AF

                              Thank you team for your generous responses. It does get easier weeks over weeks, not day after day as it is a very slow process... I have replaced my drinking habits with sport habits. That helps tremendously. Also, AL with juicing organic fruits and vegetables, which has a deep balancing effect. Mostly kale, spinach, ginger, apple, carrots and celery, at the rate of two small glasses a day.

                              My life without the fun of alcohol, ie party times, has been replaced with a feeling of deep inner peace and balance. The difference is the length of time I experience such a feeling, ie 3-4 hours with alcohol versus all day and all night with harmony of natural high. It took me about a month to start feeling happiness naturally. We have a natural high secreted by endomorphine, try it and you will see. It just takes a little bit for the body to start producing it again after all those years of AL artificial replacement.

                              Good luck to all of us on this journey to enjoying life to the fullest.

                              What a night and day difference it is for me.

