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Threw out the prosecco!

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    Threw out the prosecco!

    Hi all.
    This is my 2nd day back and I committed to post everyday this week as the 1st week / weekend is always the hardest for me.
    I got a bottle of prosecco for Xmas of a friend and I was planning to drink it for my bday or else valentines. However, after a binge on Friday night I decided to abstain completely and so I told myself I'd leave the prosecco for in the future when I could drink it like a normal drinker . Crazy AL brain huh!!
    So then I said to myself i'l leave it for guests only to know that when I would open it for guests I know myself enough to know that I would say ' well I should taste it since it was a present .'
    So instead I threw it out and I'm feeling more positive and stronger today about next weekend. I realized that a lot of the time I drank out of boredom and because I'm obviously more chatty and confident when socializing .
    So I'm going to replace it with exercise and vitamins and growing my soul.

    One other fear that I have and didn't want to voice , but if I'm gonna heal I best start telling the truth.
    My husband knows I'm trying to quit though he doesn't think I have a problem and he has said to me in the past that he likes me when I drink ( that's when I only have a few) but I know he doesn't like me when I make a fool of myself or him. And I have told him I need to stay away now, I guess my fear is that I don't want to be a bore for him .
    And then decide to drink so I can be the life of the party that he likes.

    I think he is fine with me not drinking so long as it doesn't affect his social life....

    Sorry for the long post , I'm realizing things as I'm writing them....... I guess I can love my husband but I have to love myself more and put my own health needs 1st.

    Thanks for the support all.
    I am the master of my fate . I am the captain of my soul.

    Had 10 weeks AF from 9-11-11 to 11-24-11

    AF since 2/20/12

    Goal no.1 - 1 week DONE !

    Goal no.2 - 2 weeks.

    Goal no.3 - 30 days.

    Gaol no.4 - 10 weeks .

    Threw out the prosecco!

    Good for you for throwing that wine out!! Hope your husband appreciates that you are trying to help yourself and avoid hitting a bad bottom!
    Keep up the good work!

    "One day at a time."


      Threw out the prosecco!

      Thank you TDN ! Weather he does or not I'm going to do this for myself
      I am the master of my fate . I am the captain of my soul.

      Had 10 weeks AF from 9-11-11 to 11-24-11

      AF since 2/20/12

      Goal no.1 - 1 week DONE !

      Goal no.2 - 2 weeks.

      Goal no.3 - 30 days.

      Gaol no.4 - 10 weeks .


        Threw out the prosecco!

        Oh I know that train of thought - a friend is coming for lunch so I MUST have wine to offer, I will only have one to be sociable - yeah right, they wouldn't want any so I would drink the lot! :goodjob: on throwing out the prosecco!

        My hubby sort of likes it when I drink too but as you say only a minimum then gets annoyed when I am really drunk it is ridiculous really sort of like taking a child to a theme park and then only letting them go on one ride - unfair of them to think that is going to work for anyone who is dependant upon al - stick to your guns and do this for yourself :l
        Taking it ODAT


          Threw out the prosecco!

          Sao, that is just so wonderful, it says so much about your conviction, especially in the early phases. This battle is hard enough without the very temptation just sitting a cupboard away.

          Granted you can always make a run to the bottle shop, but, thats just one more thing you have to do to get it. Having the house devoid of AL is a GREAT way to be for a while.

          Wishing you all the strength wisdom, and support needed to reach your goals
          Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



            Threw out the prosecco!

            Good for you! I even thought so good of you I struggled to spell Saoirse right Keep it up hon!


              Threw out the prosecco!

              I had to decide that I had to focus on ME and not worry about Hubs and his drinking......and since I have tried so hard to stop, he has actually cut way back...
              for a while I resented him going up to the local pub, but now I really don't care.....
              Good for you for throwing the poison out babe!!
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                Threw out the prosecco!

                Thanks all for the support !
                I am the master of my fate . I am the captain of my soul.

                Had 10 weeks AF from 9-11-11 to 11-24-11

                AF since 2/20/12

                Goal no.1 - 1 week DONE !

                Goal no.2 - 2 weeks.

                Goal no.3 - 30 days.

                Gaol no.4 - 10 weeks .


                  Threw out the prosecco!

                  i well know the feeling of living with problem drinker. My husband drinks every night until he passes out. I would join him until I said enough is enough. I stumbled upon MWO and my life is changing for the better. I cannot afford the medication or a dr. visit since there is no insurance. I have chosen the holistic approach and at first it did not seem to work but the more I continue to take the supplements it seems to be working better.Thank everyone for so much support.

                  OUT OF THE DARK AND INTO THE LIGHT......Our lives our choice.... choose wisely.

