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I would like some help and encouragement.

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    I would like some help and encouragement.

    jessie;1263572 wrote: I've had the same experience. Like even here people form cliques and if you're not in, you're not in.
    Oh, I beg to differ! Im pretty new around here, but I have yet to see any of that going on....some people may talk to each other as if they know each other very well....but I can ASSURE you one thing.....there aint no cliques on this board.

    The only way to "get in" is to start posting, and you will get plenty of responses.
    Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



      I would like some help and encouragement.

      Nelz;1263586 wrote: there aint no cliques on this board.

      The only way to "get in" is to start posting, and you will get plenty of responses.
      I don't post everyday and I have certainly not made any long term or deeply emotional connections on this site. I have found this site to be nothing other than supportive all the way through. I have not noticed any cliques and I don't feel that at any stage have I been ignored or not listened too. From the very first day the people of this site have only shown a willingness to help.
      I refuse to be labelled or ashamed. Through my struggles I am achieving self awareness and clarity.


        I would like some help and encouragement.

        I agree with those who say there are no cliques. BUT as a Newbie, one can sometimes feel that there are cliques as many of us are familiar with each others backgrounds, past successes and failures, family situations, etc. which makes for what might seem like cliquey behaviour. My experience is to continue posting for a few days on a thread that appeals to me and eventually I become part of that thread's "population". The more you comment and encourage others the more it comes back to you.

        I have failed so many times, hidden away, lurked, etc. and each time I come back there is always someone (usually they don't know me at all) who jumps in to help me along.

        Us alcoholics or problem drinkers have one thing in common: we have all been there, done that, and most importantly, MWO members are invariably sensitive to others. I think that's how half of us got here in the first place; putting others needs above our own. The result of self-denial is inner stress and discord and drinking kind of numbs that out... but that's just my opinion.

        Anyway, this forum has an immense wealth of sensitive, caring, funny, well-spoken people and I am tempted to write a book based on what I read here. There is enormous fodder for a hilarious, touching, very sad book ... with a happy ending of course.

        I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

        "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
        ? Lao-Tzu


          I would like some help and encouragement.

          Hello I am new here too. I find motivation and inspiration here. I welcome you aison. All the best


            I would like some help and encouragement.

            I am new here and sometimes feel lost with the posting process. I find motivation and inspiration here and I feel like it helps me. I hope you will continue to post aison. Do not give up .


              I would like some help and encouragement.


              Hello all. :new: I find it hard to navigate and post. I will keep trying cause it is worth the effort and so am I.:welcome:


                I would like some help and encouragement.

                Hi Azurmyst!
                I'm new here too and initially found it rather difficult to navigate & post. I finally found the Newbies Nest (not easy). I lurked for 2+ years before posting. There are SO many helpful people here, you are in the right place.
                "Leap and the net will appear." - John Burroughs


                  I would like some help and encouragement.

                  Hi Alison, I'm new here and I wanted to say whatever you are going through, good for you for coming here to get support. Sometimes it doesn't come exactly when we need it, I know I've been there. Keep going you are strong then you think.


                    I would like some help and encouragement.

                    Hi to Aison and to everyone here!:hiya: I've been here just over a month and feel very welcomed. I want you to feel that way too. Being an above average (# of posts) poster helps. I probably annoy the heck out of some folks here, but I post a lot, and I think that gets you noticed. Hee hee.:H

                    "I like people too much or not at all."
                    Sylvia Plath


                      I would like some help and encouragement.

                      I'm here!

                      Hi Aison,

                      I'm new here too. I don't really know how to navigate this site but did find your post. I'm here if you want to PM me or just want to post. I'm now checking everyday since I too could use the support. Take care and hope to hear from you soon! :l


                        I would like some help and encouragement.

                        Hi Aison,
                        How are you doing?
                        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

