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Starting Day 1 Again and I was so shaky I finally drank a beer

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    Starting Day 1 Again and I was so shaky I finally drank a beer

    I'm so anxious and shaky today. I do have some Xanax so I'm hoping that will help. I feel like a loser for getting to 1pm and then giving in. It has to get better, right?! I mean I'm miserable as it is with the drinking. Worked out this morning and might go back to Yoga tonight. I just want to be past these first few days.

    My husband is helping me and my mom will be "babysitting" me while he's at work :sulk: lucky me, that should be enough motivation to clean me up.

    BTW I have always drank socially until about 3 months ago and it's really picked up. Like 6-10 beers a day. I'm thin and a woman so that sounds like a lot to me!

    Anyhow just looking to blow off some steam.

    Starting Day 1 Again and I was so shaky I finally drank a beer

    Panic Princess,

    Welcome back. Just wanted to wish you well. You can do this! Here are a couple of helpful links if you don't already know about them:


    and a great support thread:

    Sending you peace and strength :lilheart:


      Starting Day 1 Again and I was so shaky I finally drank a beer

      good luck, you can do this, just keep focused, i know its not easy but determination and motivation can make all the difference, my thoughts r with u
      I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
      Audrey Hepburn


        Starting Day 1 Again and I was so shaky I finally drank a beer

        I was a beer drinker. Everyday for many years. It was fun for many years and then not fun, but I couldn't stop for more than 3 days or so. Finally I had to face the problem and become willing to get some help. Now I have 26 months sober. You can do this.
        Don't beat yourself up. Take it one moment at a time.
        Love and Peace,

        Sobriety Date 12.07.2009


          Starting Day 1 Again and I was so shaky I finally drank a beer

          Your not alone,I too often wake up with the shake and know another drink will fix it...well for a while anyway. I know if you can get passed it it gets easier,if I've been drinking heavily sometimes I have to wean myself of it so it's not so hard and the symptoms lesson.

          God bless you for trying, be strong and have faith in yourself. X


            Starting Day 1 Again and I was so shaky I finally drank a beer

            I just wanted to pop in and say hi and let you know that you are not alone. I am on day 2 and doing my best to kick this AL out of my life. Hang in there and keep posting, we are all hear to support you.
            "You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down." Mary Pickford:h


              Starting Day 1 Again and I was so shaky I finally drank a beer

              Thanks for all the support. Unfortunately my family won't let me wean off. They took my IDs away and are with me around the clock. I just wish they would understand it can be dangerous to just quit. All I have is the Xanax to help with the shakes. I hope today was the worst of it. My last drink was yesterday, about 1pm. It was a long day, my whole body is sore from the tension. I want to get Al out of my life for good!


                Starting Day 1 Again and I was so shaky I finally drank a beer

                This helps me, a new age website that has many speakers that lift your spirit have a look Don't let the site name deter you it's about a better life not just a monetary one



                  Starting Day 1 Again and I was so shaky I finally drank a beer

                  This helps me, a new age website that has many speakers that lift your spirit have a look Don't let the site name deter you it's about a better life not just a monetary one.

                  I rely on this any many other like minded sites to get me by in difficult times. I have many related sites let me know via pm if your keen to receive the details

                  Family can be tough but im sure just want the best for you which is hard also when the don't understand the physical side effects, I know having my own family intervention today. Tomorrows a new day god give us the strength to get through today. X



                    Starting Day 1 Again and I was so shaky I finally drank a beer

                    This helps me, a new age website that has many speakers that lift your spirit have a look Don't let the site name deter you it's about a better life not just a monetary one



                      Starting Day 1 Again and I was so shaky I finally drank a beer

                      I'm feeling much better this evening after husband and I watched a movie. We'll see what tomorrow brings. Fingers and toes crossed! I put this off for so long for fear of withdrawals but it will be over soon and I will be able to enjoy my life again!!! Night all!


                        Starting Day 1 Again and I was so shaky I finally drank a beer

                        I was prescribed diazepam by my Dr. to help with withdrawals - could you do that? It certainly helps with panic attacks and blackouts while detoxing.

                        Good luck PP - stay strong and allow your family to help you.
                        It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                          Starting Day 1 Again and I was so shaky I finally drank a beer


                          Diazepam aka Valium, is not to help with the anxiety etc (although it does) but to protect from potential seizures. The first 5 days of withdrawal from alcohol present the greatest risk of siezure and even death, valium counteracts this.
                          The regime is an initial high dose tapering down over five days. The first day on the high end dose you will feel very spacy, sleepy, so it would be great to have your family around.
                          " I'm not trying to counsel any of you to do anything really special, except to dare to think and to dare to go with the truth and to dare to love completely." -R. Buckminster Fuller


                            Starting Day 1 Again and I was so shaky I finally drank a beer

                            I hope you are having a better day. I often think about my family and friends reactions to my drinking and behaviour. It must be very difficult for them to understand and to support me in my journey. The fact that your family is with you around the clock is a sign of their love and concern for you. Try and remember that in the tough moments.

                            Good luck
                            "You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down." Mary Pickford:h


                              Starting Day 1 Again and I was so shaky I finally drank a beer

                              Hi I also have trouble and I am starting to feel the effects and it is worrying me. I have a little 18 month girl and I don't want her to lose her Daddy. If I carry on this way I will be the cause of my own death. But I am having so much trouble stopping. I wish there was a cure.

