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Starting Day 1 Again and I was so shaky I finally drank a beer

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    Starting Day 1 Again and I was so shaky I finally drank a beer

    Well I went and saw my doc today. He said that I'm most likely through the worst of it, over 48hours and that I should get better and better each day. He took my vitals and everything is just fine. Blood pressure, heart rate, temp etc. he advised me to keep using the Xanax over the next couple of days in small doses as needed. He made me feel much better. I can't wait until tomorrow when I feel even better. I found these 2 articles on using Xanax for alcohol withdrawal, BTW.

    Benzodiazepines effective against alcohol withdrawal seizures

    How To Use Xanax To Detox From Alcohol | LIVESTRONG.COM


      Starting Day 1 Again and I was so shaky I finally drank a beer

      Well besides my 1 beer on Sunday I am moving onto completing 3 days AF. I'm really craving today, mainly because it's Valentines day and I'm mourning the fact that I can't have a drink with my meal. I know I shouldn't and that it does absolutely nothing for my life but today I'm missing that warm fuzzy feeling in my stomach. Blah.


        Starting Day 1 Again and I was so shaky I finally drank a beer

        Princess, this will get've got to go through some bad to get to the good! And, the cravings don't last too terribly long. It will be worth it!


          Starting Day 1 Again and I was so shaky I finally drank a beer

          Well I relapsed and had a major binge last week. My family busted me and now I'm back on lockdown. I'm 2 days in again and I feel pretty crappy today. Not only am I feeling shaky and anxiety, I'm super depressed I gave in. I can't believe I'd let myself screw up and have to go through withdrawals again. Sucks so bad. I know it will get better but I just want to get through the next few days so I can start feeling better again. I hate Al and everything it's doing to me. I don't want to lose my husband, he the best thing to come into my life. I just need to get through the next couple of days. Blah.


            Starting Day 1 Again and I was so shaky I finally drank a beer

            Hi Panicprincess - I sent you a pm - my thoughts are with you today.
            Hugs and strength to you.
            make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


              Starting Day 1 Again and I was so shaky I finally drank a beer

              Hi Panic!
              I was thinking of you and saw you posted on another thread that you made it through yet another af day. Just want to say WAY TO GO!!!!!!!
              AF since 2/22/2012


                Starting Day 1 Again and I was so shaky I finally drank a beer

                Thank you! Yesterday sucked but today was so much better. I hope this trend continues.



                  Starting Day 1 Again and I was so shaky I finally drank a beer

                  I'm really happy for you good work!!


                    Starting Day 1 Again and I was so shaky I finally drank a beer

                    Going the same right now to panic! Congrats and keep heading in the right direction. We will get there!!!!!
                    Started living again 2/7/2015


                      Starting Day 1 Again and I was so shaky I finally drank a beer

                      Great job! I had my day 3 yesterday too and I too had quite a few wrestling matches with the Demon. Stay strong we are all in this together!.
                      Is Addiction Really a Disease?
                      Watch this and find out....


                        Starting Day 1 Again and I was so shaky I finally drank a beer

                        good work

                        i'm on day 3 feel good for a change


                          Starting Day 1 Again and I was so shaky I finally drank a beer

                          I did finally get a script for Lorazepam and it seems to be helping. It's used much in the same manner as Valium to help with withdrawals, shakes, seizures, etc great news, I just got a call that there was a cancellation so my first treatment meeting is tomorrow, not next week. Yay! Maybe I can do it after all!


                            Starting Day 1 Again and I was so shaky I finally drank a beer

                            Hi Princess - hope all goes well tomorrow.:l

