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I cheated while drunk :(

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    I cheated while drunk

    Neddy Merrill;1535427 wrote: Alcoholics and those with drink problems take a lot out of our partners - at least we can leave them with their dignity.

    I agree - don't tell him. Learn from the mistake and be a better person for it.
    Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


      I cheated while drunk

      I'm a fool

      I'm so glad I found this thread. I've always had a bit of a problem with alcohol but last night was my rock bottom, I cheated on my husband :upset: I just wanted to go out and enjoy, my husbands in Afghan and I'm home with our 3 kids, I just needed a break but it went too far, Im devastated, feel disgusted with myself and can't stop thinking of the hurt this could cause my husband if I tell him, it would destroy my family. I wish I never went out, I shouldn't have mixed drinks and I should have let my friend walk me home. I would never have cheated on him if I was sober, I'm a completely different person when I've been drinking, I don't like that person, I don't want to be her again so I'm not going to drink, I'm done with alcohol. It has showed me how much I love my husband and I'm going to have to live with this dirty secret for the rest of my life, I can't hurt him



        I cheated while drunk

        Hello Mamirees, I just saw your post and wanted to welcome you to MWO. It's very sad that you cheated on your husband, but it's done and you can't change it. But you can learn from it. This is a great site if you want to tackle your addiction to alcohol stick around. Join us in the newbies nest, and read the toolbox thread, two great places to start. Nice to meet you :welcome:
        Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


          I cheated while drunk

          Hi Mamirees, Welcome to MWO. BH is right, what's done is done. Alcohol can make every one of us behave in the most horrible and rotten of ways. Remember you are not a bad person. You have just made a bad decision. Make a good decision now. Keep to your word. Don't drink. Don't beat yourself up over this though. Use it as a learning experience. A pretty steep learning curve I have to say, but a chance to really learn about you and your relationship with alcohol.
          "I used to be on the guest list, but now I'm on the nest list!"

          Newbies Nest:



            I cheated while drunk


            Hello .. I too cheated on mu fiancee while very very drunk and I feel horrible: sad, guilty, ashamed... I know it may be hard to believe but I love him with all my heart and I still dont jnderstand why or how it happened...After reading your posts I realized that AL is my real enemy and I will do my best to stoo drinking... I dont want to tell him because I love him and I sont want to loose him, it was a mistake... My heart is breaking over this because he truly is the love of my life and right now I feel so alone and sad... I cant believe it happened, I am nkt a bad person and I dont understand why... why if I love him so much... I would appreciate your advice


              I cheated while drunk

              Of course you're not a bad person. You were a poisoned person. Alcohol/ethanol is a poison to your body. Do you think your body knows any difference between alcohol and crack cocaine? They're both just drugs and poisons to your body. They alter your brain function and can help contribute to you committing acts that would never cross your mind when sober. Just because alcohol is legal doesn't make it any safer than so called "hard" drugs. IMO there really is nothing to understand about the "why." You were drugged and were not acting with a clear mind. Remove the drug and the problem will not occur again.

              Telling him will hurt him and possibly destroy what sounds like a good relationship. He'll be left asking himself why he wasn't good enough when the truth is that he is good enough and this has nothing to do with him. Remove the alcohol and you have removed the problem. Plain and simple.


                I cheated while drunk

                I agree with many of the posts. It is not appropriate to burden your partner or spouse with the guilt of your transgressions. However, there is another consideration... How will you carry that guilt?

                In my experience transgression, guilt, marriage, sex, partnership, whatever... Marriage is hard!

                What is harder is finding a way, working on maintaining a way, to make you want to cheat on your kids demands for attention with your wife


                  I cheated while drunk

                  I had this same experience last night, I started drinking after work heavy 12 Percent alcoholic cans of beer then drank 2 more lite beers, was in an emotional mood and worried about some financial issues that I am dealing with. My boyfriend left for the night as to stop us from possibly getting into an argument. Instead of staying home and getting something to eat I went to a bar with the intention of only having a couple more beers and going home. I drank those 2 beers then proceeded to drink about a 6 pack more. A guy and his friend started to talk to me and somehow I agreed to go back to their hotel. Ended up allowing this guy to have sex with me even though I told him I am in a relationship. I am so devastated and feel so horrible, ashamed, disgusted and at my last straw. I love my boyfriend so much. We have been together for 9 years now and we both drink but he has told me in the past that when I drink to much I become absolutely horrible to him. I am so afraid of what to do. I never ever have cheated on him in the past and I know that he wouldn't forgive me if I tell him, but if I don't tell him I don't know if I could ever make love to him again and not feel guilty. I have been drinking since high school, moderately but for the past 5 or 6 years it's been almost every day. I am ready to let this shit go. It has caused so much pain and problems with the people I love and care for and I don't want to wake up in the morning anymore with regrets or guilt about what I did the night before. I have had blackouts where I can't remember what I said or did.


                    I cheated while drunk

                    relax man or woman....thats nothing dont worry boozz or no booze it happens to thr best of us.x chin uo


                      I cheated while drunk

                      my mate was screwing his mother inlaw...???!!!***....
                      dont now how that sits with white folks...but when your indian it that bit more a


                        I cheated while drunk

                        Hello people, few days ago I had the worst experience in my life... In the last period I had some really big problems. To start with the beginning 2 years ago I fell in love with my boyfriend. Since we meet we moved together and we had a really happy relationship. However, we moved in the house with some friends of him, and since then, the problems started. I live far away from my family and friends.. When I started to have personal problems, he wasn't there for me anymore... He was spending time just with his friends. I was crying every single day, asking him for support.. I think he was somehow feeling sorry for my problems, but he didn't know how to deal with all this... and I started to drink again.. I had this drinking problem since I was teenager. Sometimes when I'm drinking I can't remember anything.. And I lose control. I started to drink every single weekend (a lot), my boyfriend saw me, but he wasn't doing nothing to stop me.. I have decided to move, and carry on my life. But we are still meeting everyday.. Last weekend we had to meet to party, but we had an argue, and I went to a pub, to have some drinks.. There I meet a guy, he started to do jokes, everything was fine until I got really drunk and I can't remember nothing. In the morning I wake up naked next to that guy. I felt absolutely garbage, the worst person in the world. I never ever wanted something like this to happen. I deeply regret, mostly that I realised that I love my boyfriend more than everything on this earth. And even if he maybe didn't know how to deal with my problems, he doesn't deserves something like this from me.. I feel really guilty, what should I do right now?? I promised myself that I'll never ever touch alcohol again. And I also need to see a specialist.. But the guilt feeling is just killing me right now...


                          I cheated while drunk


                          Hello people, few days ago I had the worst experience in my life... In the last period I had some really big problems. To start with the beginning 2 years ago I fell in love with my boyfriend. Since we meet we moved together and we had a really happy relationship. However, we moved in the house with some friends of him, and since then, the problems started. I live far away from my family and friends.. When I started to have personal problems, he wasn't there for me anymore... He was spending time just with his friends. I was crying every single day, asking him for support.. I think he was somehow feeling sorry for my problems, but he didn't know how to deal with all this... and I started to drink again.. I had this drinking problem since I was teenager. Sometimes when I'm drinking I can't remember anything.. And I lose control. I started to drink every single weekend (a lot), my boyfriend saw me, but he wasn't doing nothing to stop me.. I have decided to move, and carry on my life. But we are still meeting everyday.. Last weekend we had to meet to party, but we had an argue, and I went to a pub, to have some drinks.. There I meet a guy, he started to do jokes, everything was fine until I got really drunk and I can't remember nothing. In the morning I wake up naked next to that guy. I felt absolutely garbage, the worst person in the world. I never ever wanted something like this to happen. I deeply regret, mostly that I realised that I love my boyfriend more than everything on this earth. And even if he maybe didn't know how to deal with my problems, he doesn't deserves something like this from me.. I feel really guilty, what should I do right now?? I promised myself that I'll never ever touch alcohol again. And I also need to see a specialist.. But the guilt feeling is just killing me right now...


                            I cheated while drunk

                            Do you want to quit drinking?
                            Mary Lou

                            A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


                              I cheated while drunk

                              Renee25;1646880 wrote: I started to drink every single weekend (a lot), my boyfriend saw me, but he wasn't doing nothing to stop me..
                              Renee, no one can make another adult "do" anything. It has to be your decision. We'll be here for you. But you need to decide.

                              xx, MR
                              Everything is going to be amazing


                                I cheated while drunk


                                I really want to quit drinking, I'm not a human being when I'm drunk... Every single time when I'm completely drunk I do things that I deeply regret after.. But my last experience became a trauma.. For what?! My life was already bad, now it's a living Hell! Anyway, I managed to speak to a psychologist, and I'll have a meeting with her at the beginning of next week... I really need help.. Seeing my boyfriend makes me feel even worst.. I always told him everything, we used to be the best friends.. and now?! I can't tell him anything, I'll make everything even worst.. Can someone who had an similar experience give me an advice?

                                And thank you very much people for your support... I can't really tell this things to no one who knows me...

