Hello folks...I just want to jump in here and mention, to any of you who "cheated" when you were drunk - if you live in the United States, the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) defines Sexual Assault as being any sexual encounter in which the recipient was unable to give consent, which includes being incapacitated due to drugs or alcohol. This portion of the law was strengthened in 2013 -- if you blacked out, don't remember, etc., you were the victim of a sexual assault. It doesn't matter if the other person was drunk as well. Think of it this way -- if two people are drunk and one pulls out a knife and stabs the other, the victim isn't blamed because they were drunk. That's how it works with sexual assault as well. I encourage you to contact a victims advocacy organization and get counseling specifically for sexual assualt, as you'll find a ton of professional support that will help you get through this. Please, please talk to counselors who can help you through this!