white marsh Mom - that is scary! Go to see a doctor about the rash. I myself get a rash when it's hot - it's just folliculitis, a skin infection. My husband just broke out in an itchy red rash all over his back and stomach the other day. It started going away the next day. Don't panic - there is probably a very simple explanation for your rash. But you do need to make sure you are OK - see a doctor and get tested for STDs.
Everyone has a common theme. You got drunk and cheated and now you are a horrible person and will never forget the guilt. But consider this - you got drunk once and cheated. This is a mistake that you can learn from. You are not a horrible person for making a mistake. Use the experience and don't repeat it. Things happen to us for a reason - our job is to learn from our mistakes. You may not ever completely forget but it will get better over time. Time has a way of healing a lot of pain.