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Trying to make it through today...

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    Trying to make it through today...

    Hey Pocket.:welcome: I'm so glad you came here, and that you're still striving. It's all we can do. I am on day 13, after 10+ years of daily drinking (or nightly), and 10+ years before that of at least 4 days a week drinking/drunk (same diff in my case).

    I can honestly say that although I have had cravings (many), I have not come close to succumbing one time yet. I think I FINALLY got to the point that I really could not overlook the negative effects of AL. I was willfully ignoring them for a very, very long time, but that last hangover was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. The bloating, the perpetual fatigue, the inability to do anything but the basics because of the overwhelming effects of AL...I'm lucky to be still employed. Had I been a new employee, I would have been fired ages ago.

    All I can say, is stick to it. Life without AL has got to be better!! Life with it SUCKSSS!!!

    Inbox me any time.:l

    "I like people too much or not at all."
    Sylvia Plath


      Trying to make it through today...

      Thanks, LibraryGirl! I made it about three weeks in January, and I was feeling so good. I know it's going to get better. I also know for sure at this point that I can't moderate. Ugh. It was so dumb to start again. My girlfriend, who lives about 12 hours away right now, came to stay for a month and of course all of our friends wanted to see her. And of course they wanted to go to the pub like a million times. My girlfriend was amazingly supportive, and I actually didn't drink at the bar. She got me custom-made virgin cocktails and treated me like a queen. Then one night at home, I convinced her that one night of drinking in moderation together would be fine! I could handle it, and it was my choice! So I did moderate.

      Two weeks later I was hiding drinks again and felt ridiculous. And really guilty. Sooo, we've talked about it a lot, and the next time she comes, we are going to do things differently. Plus, she's going to be home with me for good--probably (hopefully) in six months--and we have plans for the future that I definitely want and need to be sober for. I'm ready not just to quit AL, but really start taking care of my body again like I used to.


        Trying to make it through today...

        Pocket, as much as you were annoyed at yourself over the shots, I am so impressed that you stopped after 2. Give yourself a big pat on the back for making the right decision after that and moving forward. Wanting that sober life so badly is half the battle. You sound positive.....all the best to you....
        Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


          Trying to make it through today...

          Thanks, Daisy! I don't know if I feel much like patting myself on the back, but I sure do feel like I dodged a bullet. Who knows what would have happened if I hadn't stopped. Doubt I'd be at the grateful end to day 3! I love reading your posts... hope your having a great day! And I think of the quote in your signature quite a lot right now; I love it :thanks:

