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On day 11 AF and really want a drink!!!!

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    On day 11 AF and really want a drink!!!!

    Am really struggling right now, on day 11 - furthest I've got in 3 yrs . Just feel really sad and emotional ( felt great earlier today) . Don't know why its hitting me hard just now, must be over the physical withdrawal. Am trying to stay busy, and keep my blood sugar up by eating. Can't go out as I have young children.

    On day 11 AF and really want a drink!!!!

    Hey miss I'm here, goin through those emotional moments at times but I just keep reminding myself that most of what's goin on and the things I'm emotonal about are non realities,

    All the worrying about wat other people think and how I think others think I sould be feeling, and wondering how I should feel? is it ok to feel ok now? sabotaging myself into feeling sad, oh I've had it all goin ok, with glimpses of peace in between, it can be hard goin to still da head

    Keep riding these storms out with me and it'll keep easing off gradually and we'll get more and more peace

    We've basically just poisoned our bodies and minds and they are just healing, we are better than this
    "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"


      On day 11 AF and really want a drink!!!!

      The low moods are weird. I'm not normally a depressed person and I don't even know what I'm sad about. I was fine this am and now I just feel so so sad and I don't know why.


        On day 11 AF and really want a drink!!!!

        ya I can be fine about evrything one minute and so sad the next

        I too am not a depressed person, when I'm in my natural state, drink free for a good while I'm actually very cheeky, quirky and happy and I think that's what hurts the people who love me the most, when drink is in that all goes. The thought of that hurts me too but I know I'm on the path back to my self, if I stay away from drink and work on myself everything else will fall into place
        "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"


          On day 11 AF and really want a drink!!!!

          Again, your still in the infancy stages of being AF, 11 days is amazing! But your body has some adjusting to do. Just do whatever you have to, to keep the urge at bay. THIS is the hard part, it will get easier, I promise you, and I dont make idle promises.....I promise

          You have made double digit days, next up is your 30 day, and that my friend is something to celebrate, so stay strong.

          Im sure that any small gratification(if any) you get from drinking, will not out weigh staying AF
          Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



            On day 11 AF and really want a drink!!!!

            Thanks guys. Hanging in there - having a ginger beer. Still tough. I know I'll be even more sad if I do drink. This is SO hard!


              On day 11 AF and really want a drink!!!!

              SAUSAGE;1274667 wrote: Thanks guys. Hanging in there - having a ginger beer. Still tough. I know I'll be even more sad if I do drink. This is SO hard!

              Then you are doing it the right way! If it was easy, everyone would do it
              Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



                On day 11 AF and really want a drink!!!!

                I was reading about book about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and in it they discussed the amygdala in the brain. Turns out the amygdala is affected and altered by alcohol consumption and it's the amygdala that is talking to you now Sausage, trying to get you to drink. What I really find fascinating is that the amygdala is also considered to be a key structure in the brain's emotional system. Interesting that so many people who are newly into their sobriety are experiencing emotions that are abnormal for them.

                Sausage, I really mean it when I say that I'm impressed with your strength. This is all mind work at this point. You need to retrain your brain that this (sobriety) is the new way.


                  On day 11 AF and really want a drink!!!!

                  Fly - its a while (15 yrs or so)since I studied any neuro science/ neuropharmacol , which I did as part of my degree at uni, but what u are saying makes complete sense.

                  This HAS to be to do with the areas of the brain, neurotransmitters or I guess it will take llonger to sort/ settle down.

                  Am going to look into this a bit more and also consider meditation.

                  I've not given in tonight - been saved by a large glass of pomegranate juice! And everyone rooting for me on here. Thanks everyone I know I would have caved tonight without you all.

                  I'll be back tomorrow for day 12!!

                  Thanks again

                  Sausage x


                    On day 11 AF and really want a drink!!!!

                    SAUSAGE;1274809 wrote: Fly - its a while (15 yrs or so)since I studied any neuro science/ neuropharmacol , which I did as part of my degree at uni, but what u are saying makes complete sense.

                    This HAS to be to do with the areas of the brain, neurotransmitters or I guess it will take llonger to sort/ settle down.

                    Am going to look into this a bit more and also consider meditation.

                    I've not given in tonight - been saved by a large glass of pomegranate juice! And everyone rooting for me on here. Thanks everyone I know I would have caved tonight without you all.

                    I'll be back tomorrow for day 12!!

                    Thanks again

                    Sausage x
                    Cool! I had no idea that you studied this. I know nothing about it, but just made the connection in my reading and thought it was interesting. Another thing I've been wondering about is that a lot of the amygdala training articles I read have to do with fibromyalgia and CFS. It made me wonder if people with an alcohol dependency have higher rates of FM and CFS.


                      On day 11 AF and really want a drink!!!!

                      Can't remember much of it- it was only a small part of my degree, and it was a long time go, but I do remember the brain etc is so v v complex all those receptors, neurotransmitters, different parts etc as there's so much we still don't understand. Looking into this again as well as finding out more about meditation will give me something to focus on in the next few difficult days / weeks - if I get any spare time ( difficult with 2 young children and a part time job!) thanks again for all your help.


                        On day 11 AF and really want a drink!!!!

                        Hi sausage!

                        Sooo proud of you for downing the pomegranate juice instead of something far more sinister. Here's to a better day tomorrow. Way to go!
                        AF since 2/22/2012


                          On day 11 AF and really want a drink!!!!

                          Hang in there Sausage!

                          I am getting some horrid cravings too (Day 13).

                          I am finding that water mixed with lemon is helping (in this case lemon syrup with sweetener).

                          Something "tart" tasting

                          Its taking the edge of, and maybe its worth a go?
                          :wings: "Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things."


                            On day 11 AF and really want a drink!!!!

                            I have been using a tool I learned. You "honor" the thought about having a drink - by realizing yes it gives me a buzz and yes I like it. Then you think about taking the drink again and again as you normally would. Then you fast forward to the next day. The guilt, shame, crappy crappy feeling and focus really hard on this part reminding yourself for the few hours I had fun I'll pay for it all of tomorrow and possibly the next day and that will suck a whole lot. I Walk thru this in 10 seconds while the craving is still alive. Once you rationalize it you can beat it. Its not worth it. This among some other tools works for me.


                              On day 11 AF and really want a drink!!!!

                              Hi Everyone,

                              Day 10 here, so I'm with you! Lots of cravings but lots of better feelings too-am sleeping a bit better, more energy, no thoughts of just sleeping the day away, daily exercise...but I also feel depressed and anxious. There are certainly things to feel depressed about, but this feels so GLOBAL! I am trying to trust that it will pass.

                              I think sobriety brings a lot of mourning. First of all, losing a coping mechanism and sometimes-source-of-enjoyment. Going AF leaves hole, don't you think? Lots more time, lots more anxiety. Plus for me I think of the ways I have screwed up that are related to alcohol and I have many regrets. I know you are not supposed to look back, but it's hard not to. I have two teenagers and wonder what they think of me. And worry.

                              QT, I like your tool box hint and hope you post more. This is not easy and I for one could use all the tools and support possible!

                              More later. Hang in their Sausage, you are doing great!


