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trying for one day of soberness

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    trying for one day of soberness

    This will be my first time reaching out for help, because I can no longer hide the reason why I drink every day. I started drinking only at functions, then twice a week, then one day I woke up and went to find a bottle, now it doesn't matter what time it is or where I am. I know that I'm hurting myself and my family. I'm trying to stop myself from self destructing before it's too late.:h

    trying for one day of soberness

    Hi Blackhorseman - you've come to the right place. Everyone here understands where you are and there is loads of friendly, non-judgemental help and support.

    We are all struggling on the journey with you. Some have tackled the worst of it, some of us (me included) are still struggling but trying - but you have made the first serious step and that is to admit you have a problem and are ready to do something about it! :welcome:
    Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


      trying for one day of soberness

      BH, just wanted to welcome you and post a couple of links that might be helpful. Best to you. :lilheart:


        trying for one day of soberness

        welcome to you blackhorseman


          trying for one day of soberness

          I have admitted my problem over a year ago and have been ready to do something - I went to detoc, to counseling, and am currently slamming a white russian. Is there any hope for me? I hate this life, it sucks. Got fired last week (dunno who but I think I have a clue), so now here I sit, sleep and drink all day. The weather has been great so I hear, not that I go outside. Lord I need some help and support. I know I have posted before and it is the same ole' crap with me, sad.


            trying for one day of soberness

            A huge welcome to you BH.

            You will most likely see yourself in many others' stories here. You are not alone. I recommend you read, read, and read everything you can on this site. There is a great amount of useful info and strategies. I hope you will look at the links above, that Unwasted has posted too. Just click on them.

            I was where you are now Girl 1973, as have many of us. Keep reading. Somehow i re-ignited the flame within. You can find it and do the same.

            Best wishes all, G-bloke.

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              trying for one day of soberness

              Hi Girl,
              All I can share is my own story. I'd like to say that I'm happily AF forever but I still have drinking episodes.The great news is: they are far fewer and the periods between much longer. I will never quit trying and maybe that AF forever will happen when I'm totally ready.
              Just don't quit trying.
              make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


                trying for one day of soberness

                Hi girl,

                it will all be ok if you let it.. one day of not drinking and then the next and the next...


                  trying for one day of soberness

                  I tried to this on my own for a long time - and here. My habit with this stuff wasn't so much quantity, it was continuity. But I had the red flags going on so I decided to get some help and went to a specialist in addictions before things progressed too far. In any event its been over 30 days now since Ive had a drink. This is the first time in years I have not had the evening glasses of wine. THere is still some residual temptation - it took me years to quit cigarettes. But I really don't want to goto a session and have to tell the guy I failed. Its weird but this is what worked for me so far. The stuff is poison like tobacco. Its an addictive substance, like nicotine.


                    trying for one day of soberness

                    Hey girl1973

                    Check back in with us and slip back onto the journey, instead of letting your addiction continue its riot, you deserve it and deep down the real you wants it, you wouldn't have come here if you didn't. Reconnect with what you really want, believe in yourself and use MWO to stop this addiction dictating your life. Regain the life you want to live, you can do this and we'll help
                    "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"


                      trying for one day of soberness

                      Hi Blackhorseman
                      I'm here for the same reason you are. I need non judgemental support to get sober. Today is day 2 again..I'm hoping for 7 days straight but will take it one day at a time. I hate the place I'm in right now....2 months ago I was drinking a bottle of wine a night and now I have cut back to 2 bottles only on the weekend. Nothing during the week. My family is really not being supportive and it's probably because I told them I was only going to drink on the weekends. It's like they never payed attention to the amount of alcohol I was consuming in the past. Nobody said a thing about it but now they are upset with me for drinking at all! I don't get it. They know I have cut way back and that my goal is to stop entirely but they still want to monitor the weekend drinks. They make me feel like I'm a bad little kid and they have to watch me. I know that alcohol is destructive. I'm trying to get sober and I'm really glad this place is here for me to come and vent.


                        trying for one day of soberness

                        Yeah I am still here, and miserable. I need to get through this, at least a few days, I get so jealous of those that have 30 days in and feel great - I want to feel great as well!


                          trying for one day of soberness

                          Girl1973;1283123 wrote: Yeah I am still here, and miserable. I need to get through this, at least a few days, I get so jealous of those that have 30 days in and feel great - I want to feel great as well!
                          Keep going and think positive Girl1973. Something will click. Have you read our toolbox? Have another look here. It is essential reading.

                          Black horseman, how are you going there?

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            trying for one day of soberness

                            My first night without wine

                            I'm with you....and I have also been where you are Girl 1973! Tonight is my first night without my wine. I tried to moderate last night and failed miserably. Ended up drinking the whole bottle and opening a second. Thank God I fell asleep before I polished off the second bottle. I bought L-Glutamine this morning and have been taking 2 pills, 500 mg's, starting this morning, at noon and now tonight. I'm not craving a drink. I just feel weird not having one as I'm usually pretty buzzed around this time.


                              trying for one day of soberness

                              Hi blackhorsemand and everyone else, I am around 5 months or so AF and most of that time I have found pretty easy because i take meds but over the past few days I too have been struggling. I have major depression and when that hits this time I have wanted to drink to escape from it, the only thing I can say really is that as long as we keep on trying, thats those of us with a bit of AF time and those who have a day or hours, or even drinking now while reading this we are in with a chance. For years I have kept on coming back and fighting the drink no matter what and thats what has kept me alive.

