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I am going ahead

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    I am going ahead

    Has anyone heard from Sunflower, the original poster isince her last post that she was OK? Maybe I missed her post.
    February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

    When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


      I am going ahead

      Her profile shows that she was last logged in on Monday night, but didn't post.


        I am going ahead

        Hi, Girl 1973.

        I went to rehab in November-it was in FL, but not one of the better known places. it saved my life! One of my friends has been there for 10 days now. It is one of the least expensive places I know of, and it's very nice. PM if you want more information. Sometimes it is better to go farther away from home to be alone and sort things out. In any case, please take advantage of your dad's offer and GO!!!!
        "One day at a time."


          I am going ahead

          She posted once saying she is okay -- no elaboration. Sun.........if you feel like posting, we are here for you. :lilheart:


            I am going ahead

            Thanks to you all, I am so scared......still can't believe my parents know. But my dad said he knew for a while because I am not fat but my face is SO puffy and bloated and he recognized it. Ugh I have a long road ahead and I dread it, death would be so much easier


              I am going ahead

              Girl1973;1292513 wrote: Ugh I have a long road ahead and I dread it, death would be so much easier
              Only easier for you hon, not for everyone else. You don't really want to die, you're just tired of struggling on and you want it to stop. I totally get that, that was me 10 years ago. I'm so glad now though that I made it through the depression - I've had so many wonderful things happen that I'd have missed. Not to mention completely ruined my familiy's lives - no matter how badly I got drunk, they'd never have wished me dead. They love me and wanted to help - your family want to do the same, so let them.

              I'm not religious but I am spiritual and I truly believe that's it's only the strong souls who get dealt the shit in life. The people who seem to have charmed lives? That's because they're not strong enough to cope. You are strong enough though and you will get through it, you just have to have faith. I know that's running quite thin on the ground for you right now, but trust me, you will look back in years, or months - hell, maybe even next week and feel so much better.


                I am going ahead

                Hi Girl,
                I just caught up on this thread and saw your post. I know you are having a hard time right now, but I really think that what happened is for the best. You are fortunate to have a BF and parents that love you enough to offer help...please take it! I will be thinking of you! :h
                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                  I am going ahead

                  I had a psychologist friend once tell me that smart, driven people are driven to addictions and depression because they question why more than the average do-do. I helped me get through some stuff. We are here for you Girl.....
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    I am going ahead

                    Is that so Mamabear? Makes sense, sometimes I just can't switch my brain off!


                      I am going ahead

                      I'm convinced that people who have addictions somehow have something much more profound to offer when they come out the other side and are in that dark place for a reason.
                      AL free since 24 October 2011


                        I am going ahead

                        yes...she said we overthink things and read and study and wonder why.......and we can get depressed when we can't figure things out.....
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          I am going ahead

                          exactly mamabear! I agree, I can figure everyone elses crap out but NEVER my own! I over analyze everything and have to be perfect - which I am obviously NOT:upset:


                            I am going ahead

                            analysis paralysis I am also very guilty of that.......sometimes ya just gotta go for it!
                            Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                            DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER

