Day 45 for me and I'm feeling pretty good.
My husband who previously drank at about the same levels as me, abstained (without much apparent difficulty it seems) from alcohol over Lent. It has made things much easier for me.
However now Lent is over he has told me he plans to open a former favourite (of mine)red sparkling wine to drink tonight to celebrate.
I told him last night I wouldn't be joining him ( it was our 10th wedding anniversary on Frii by the way, and we celebrated with AF drinks). He seemed quite upset, said he would feel silly drinking it on his own. I said "you can have it if you want to it is up to you, but I won't be joining you" I've already worked out that asking him not to have a drink only irritates him and makes him moody for hours.
He thinks I should moderate ( just doesn't get it that some people can't - and he's a medical doctor!) he thinks I don't have a problem ( or else doesn't want to see it ) yet previously I drank in excess of 35 units a week (daily drinker, every single day, couldn't even do 1 day AF) and my levels were creeping up more and more so clearly I do have a problem. He works away a lot so admittedly didn't always see me drink.
He hates being the only drinker (I was AF for 8 months previously) and I can't see him ever quitting as he does enjoy his wine and "doesn't see why he should have to give it up" he says food isn't as good without a glass of wine.
I absolutely don't want to drink tonight but how do you advise me to handle this situation?

Sausage x
Day 45