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Husband wants me to have one drink with him tonight now Lent is over!

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    Husband wants me to have one drink with him tonight now Lent is over!

    Cracking news, Sausage.

    Hope you have a brilliant break.

    J x
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Husband wants me to have one drink with him tonight now Lent is over!

      Sausage- I have been traveling and just catching up this morning on MWO reading. I'm so happy you stayed strong. Have a fun trip with your family. Keep on keepin on!
      AF since 2/22/2012


        Husband wants me to have one drink with him tonight now Lent is over!

        Way to go Sausage! I'm proud of you!


          Husband wants me to have one drink with him tonight now Lent is over!

          Yay for you Sausage! It is hard when your partner drinks and you can't. Hard not to feel resentment. But you suck it up and go on! You are doing great! Congrats and have a wonderful time with your kids!
          February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

          When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


            Husband wants me to have one drink with him tonight now Lent is over!

            Good for you Sausage for sticking to your guns. I will not say that your husband is being selfish, although it seems so. You have been together a long time, and 45 days is not much compared to your life together, and he doesn't "get" it yet that you are giving up something TOTALLY that you both used to enjoy together. He will have to grieve that as well as you have had to do. Perhaps it IS time to sit down and communicate, as some have suggested, if he is truly unaware of how difficult AL was making your life, and the serious problem you had/have.

            I hope you have a wonderful vacation! I have always wanted a camper, and think that kind of trip would be absolutely lovely!


            "I like people too much or not at all."
            Sylvia Plath


              Husband wants me to have one drink with him tonight now Lent is over!

              Hi everyone
              Just back from my 5 day camper van trip to the isle of Mull.
              Had a fabulous time, fabulous weather, didn't drink ( Mr sausage didn't either, although I'm not sure why - we didn't discuss it) . I'll see what happens now were back home again.
              Anyway thanks again for all your support guys - today is day 50 and I'm feeling pretty good!
              See you later!


                Husband wants me to have one drink with him tonight now Lent is over!


                AF for 8 months: Nov 2008 - July 2009 - then took one drink and it's taken me almost 3yrs to find the strength to start again.
                That one line in your signature is a powerful reminder why you want to avoid drinking again.

                :goodjob: on the sobriety despite pressure!!

                Rock on, girl.

                AF April 9, 2016


                  Husband wants me to have one drink with him tonight now Lent is over!

                  no support

                  I think it goes to the things we talk about a lot around here. Alcohol at the moment is a huge part of our culture, and in some parts of the world more than others. The books by Alan Carr/Jason Vale bring this point home so well. Imagine that when smoking was popular, someone who had to quit in previous decades was looked at with pity. And today it's the smokers who are looked down on and pitied! And they had it right when they said there are degrees of dependency on the slope down toward a big problem. There are people who have alcohol dependency even in small degrees. It lifts a lot of neurotransmitters and is involved in tons of celebrations so that's hardly surprising. It sounds to me that this is what your husband is like if it's that important to him for you to not only watch him drink your favorite alcoholic drink but to have the same exact thing he has!

                  Having said that, I think you should give him some time. Stick to your guns and he just has to get used to it. He's going to miss someone to drink with but, that's just a reflection of culture and maybe even his own issues. And as you said he may not know the full extent of your problem. He just has to deal with it/get used to it.

                  Good luck


                    Husband wants me to have one drink with him tonight now Lent is over!

                    I dont know what it is with spouses who continue to drink even though they realize there is a problem with their mate and alcohol. I know for a fact when I have gone out of town without my husband I have been able to have one or two drinks without any problem or craving for more. He however is my trigger. the moment he comes home from work until the time he goes to bed (that is where ever he lands) He starts with beer then moves on to a mixed vodka and whatever. If I want to spend any time at all with him I end up going to the garage to say hello and before I even realize it i have had 4 beers. I am staying out of the garage and realize that unfortunately the relationship is based on the drink. Very unfortunate but true and although I would love an occasional glass of wine or mixed drink I am very aware HE is my trigger. I am working on getting out of the situation but it takes money and I do not have much saved. Working very hard at that now.It is comforting to know I am not alone in my problem.
                    Thank you all for your brilliant advice. This site is so supportive.


                      Husband wants me to have one drink with him tonight now Lent is over!

                      Congrats Sausage!
                      I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                      Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                      Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.

