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Tapering off alcohol?

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    Tapering off alcohol?

    I have ordered the book Sisyphus (is it ok to call you sisy?).

    You are doing amazingly well. Im not sure you probably said but what are your plans? are you intending to go into rehab with your son or have I got that wrong, he must be a big worry for you but dont forget that your recovery cant depend on him, by that I mean if he refuses dont tell yourself what the point I may as well drink because thats not true. I also get the impression that you are a strong woman.

    I also take meds, I take baclofen and gabapentin, there are quite a few of us on here who do, you can check us out on the meds threads. I think its called Topomax, Acamprasate and other meds or something like that. its down below the one we are on it is called Topamax, Campral, Naltrexone, Baclofen, other meds

    I am sending good vibes your way



      Tapering off alcohol?

      Spacebebe -- I am not planning to go to rehab with my son. It seems it's not recommended and in any case I think we need to each find out own way. But I am planning to go as soon as I can get away from work for a month. Unfortunately it looks like that might take awhile

      Meanwhile, thanks for the ongoing props. I do feel quite strong at the moment... not sure how long I can maintain that but in the past I have always been my best in a crisis, and this is one with my son and to some extent my health. Regardless of his decision, I know I have to work my way through this for myself and my sanity.

      Yes, you can call me Sisy -- IRL my nickname is actually Sassy, lol.


        Tapering off alcohol?

        Wildflowers, I so relate to almost all of your experience! Although I quit smoking cigarettes, I'm still using nicotine in the form of gum and/or electronic cigarette. The heart-racing episodes have been related to too much AL and too much nicotine both.

        I also hope I can find a doc who is open to trying different meds. It's times like this I wish I were back in Canada... I had a really wonderful GP there who helped me quit for several months with limited xanax and good advice and emotional support.

        I also relate to your reason for taking ADs. My depression was definitely situational -- my 2nd marriage was crappy from the start, he was verbally and emotionally abusive, and too scary to confront so I just found ways to not give a shit. But all the time I was on them, I was also ratcheting up AL and losing any interest I had in life.

        Yeah, so far so good. I've maintained at 5 beers for the last few nights and it's time for the next step down. It scares me, I won't deny it. I feel there will be an emptiness when I get down to 0 and I don't know what I will fill it with


          Tapering off alcohol?

          Hi Sassy

          Just a quick note to say that I read your thread last night and I wish you lots of luck. I'm very busy now but I will post tonight. (Its 2:30pm here)

          I can highly recommend reading our Topa thread - Space and Wildflowers are also on there -

          Its very long so maybe just read the last 10 pages to see if its something you would like to contribute to. Most of us take Topamax and it has changed my life and Wildflowers' Not everyone has such a dramatic experience but we seem to have quite a bit in common in terms of mood and effect Topa had on us so maybe if you can relate, this could be for you too! It is easy to order on the internet and OK if you read the book and surround yourselves with others who can give you advice in case you get some side effects.

          Anyway, Topa saved my life but you don't have to take the med to join the thread. Mostly we just encourage each other to drink less but don't judge each other if we don't. So its like a circle of friends all with a common goal of getting some control over our drinking.

          I went to rehab last year and please dont even think of going with your son. You want to do this for you and the rehab I was at wouldnt allow the men and women to even speak to each other so that would just upset you. Even if you could speak he would take the focus off YOU and even though you think he is worse you should be the centre of your own recovery.

          Anyway, do you have a copy of the My Way Out book?

          Lots of strength, love and hugs,

          :l :l :l


            Tapering off alcohol?

            Thank you DB!! I will look at the thread and see if I can find a source of Topa that will deliver here. I agree about separating my recovery from my son's -- especially as co-dependence has been a significant issue in the last several years.

            :l:l:l Back to you, and to everyone here. It never ceases to amaze me how many of us find ourselves in this leaky boat.


              Tapering off alcohol?

              Hi Sassy - are you doing OK? What is the prediction for Wednesday?

              Trust me, if your rehab is like mine, you'll learn everything about codependence and boundary issues until it comes out your ears. I think its normal though to be codependent with family members but not to the extent where we jeopardize ourselves.

              Lots of hugs and strength to you.


                Tapering off alcohol?

                Sisy where have you gone? please let me know your ok


                  Tapering off alcohol?

                  Hi Sis,

                  We can strategize 2gether a plan 2 fill those empty holes when u reach that point. I bet Spacebebe & Ms. DizzyBee would join in? Or we can start up a new thread in a different forum & maybe get a brain storming party going. It may not only help u, but other peeps to.

                  But, 4 today just concentrate the best u can on today with ur current existing plan. I know ur plate is running over with work demands! Along with concerns, plans, arrangements as the day grows closer to ur sons intervention. I do hope u have some f2f support.

                  With all that u have going on please make sure u take time, 2 take care of u!!!.... Continue nurturing urself, stick 2 ur Alcohol withdrawal plan. Eat healthy, get 2 the gym if u can, drink water, connect here, get rest. Read & do the work in ur work book.

                  I know I sound like a nag, but I'm just suggesting these things as reminders. I know how easy it is sometimes to get off course & get busy with other things in life. I so often have put my self last. It's a juggling act some days. All & all it just means people care about u.

                  If u haven't already discovered there is a forum for Canadians under the General Discussion Forum. Sometimes it may be 1 or 2 pgs back. Thought it might make u feel closer to ur homeland.

                  Thanks 4 the tips on ways 2 quit smoking. I did buy & try the e-cig, last yr. I didn't like it. Made me cough really bad. I know. I do have a link 4 the flavored cartridges. Maybe those would be more helpful in the future. I also have had the gum sitting in my kitchen for 2-3 wks. I guess I'm just not ready, or the desire isn't as strong as it was. But, I'm working on it. It's a mindset that I'm developing.

                  I think giving up the alcohol & ciggies all at once is just too much at the same time. But, I'm back down to 1/2 pk. I think when my Mom almost died my stress levels peaked & my smoking levels increased. I began to increase back up for a couple of days. I'm back down now. Which is better from where I was b4 I stopped drinking at a full pk a day.

                  Well yesterday was one month no alcohol. It hasn't been easy everyday, but the Topamax & this site have contributed to my success.

                  Please check in when u have time.

                  Take Care,



                    Tapering off alcohol?

                    Hi Everyone Still here, still doing well! I downloaded the Jason Vale book "Kick the drink" which I saw mentioned on another thread here and have been reading though it the last couple of evenings. I'm really losing any desire to drink so this weekend might be it. I'm so tired from monitoring and withdrawing that I'm sleeping like a rock and having a hard time staying awake mid-afternoon. But otherwise feeling surprisingly well!

                    I'll update and respond more later... thanks for all your warm thoughts :h


                      Tapering off alcohol?

                      Hi Sisy, glad your feeling well, do you remember the song "things can only get better", I think we should all sing it every morning and have a little dance.

                      Things for you to do, what do you like, dizzy has got me in my garden and Im really enjoying it. I also bake cakes, and come on here A LOT, so Im sure we can find you things you will enjoy way better than drinking.

                      Are you still taking the L Glut, is it the powder not the capsules or pills, I think it helps lots, whenever I think of a drink I just mix a spoonfull in a bit of water and seem to forget all about drinking!


                        Tapering off alcohol?

                        Hey Sisy are you still out there? you can om me if you dont want to talk on here xxx


                          Tapering off alcohol?

                          I thought about that at firs to taper off, since I still get extremly rapid heart beats and very high blood pressure when I am getting sober..
                          Day 13 and still get the heartbeats high blood pressure headaches, fatique, you know all that goes with this horrible withdrawls...


                            Tapering off alcohol?

                            I had terrible headaches too for a while KKL. Like I said in another thread, it really is amazing how much you forget about the struggle, when it's over. It's not really "over" but the physical symptoms have abated for me, at least. I've been AF more or less for 60+ days now, which doesn't seem like much, but things do start to get more "normal". Time flies, as they say, and I predict you will feel much better soon!

                            "I like people too much or not at all."
                            Sylvia Plath


                              Tapering off alcohol?

                              Hi everyone -- just a quick update. It's been a few weeks I guess and I've leveled out at 3-4 beers a night. Still having trouble committing completely to being AF but I've not gone backward so at least that's something. I will say that physically and mentally I'm feeling quite a bit better than I have in years... emotionally is another story as I seem to cry at the drop of a hat. I'm also getting big energy slumps after lunch although it didn't seem quite as bad today. Getting to the gym a couple of times a week and that helps.

                              I won't be online much for awhile because work is insane (busiest time of year) and I'm spending a lot of energy on plans for/with my son. That seems to be going in a positive direction as well, but I also know how things can change so I'm trying to be both optimistic and realistic.

                              KKL, sorry you are having the headaches and such. I do believe that this slow taper has helped me avoid them, and also the racing heart. I haven't even taken any Xanax for the last week! Wow.

                              LG, your 60 days is so encouraging!

                              Thanks everyone for weighing in. Even though I have little time or energy to post right now, I do check in here every day or so and your messages help a lot.


                                Tapering off alcohol?

                                Good to hear that you are still doing well sisy xxx

