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Tapering off alcohol?

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    Tapering off alcohol?

    I haven't been here for a few weeks. It's been a bit of a tough slog. We went through an intervention with my son and as much as the facilitator claimed not to be AA affiliated, he was. I believe my son was turned off by that, as was I. Mentions of Al-Anon, perpetual recovery and so on were slipped in and my son doesn't miss a thing. I won't say it wasn't a useful experience because we got a lot of things out in the open and I have hope that each of us can find a way "home" to our true selves. My sister was here, and since I had made a commitment not to enable him she helped my son avoid being thrown in a 3rd world prison for outstanding debts. Not sure what comes next on that front. He did seem to have an awakening about how much we all love him.

    The stress of everything has taken a toll on me. I've been smoking again and drinking close to previous levels. But I haven't lost my determination. I'll be seeing a "shrink" this week for a recommendation for health leave and have a non-12 step center chosen, and as soon as I get the certificate will apply for health leave. I will also see a number of other health pros this week to follow up on my various diagnoses. I'm not terribly worried about that. I've also signed up for a yoga/meditation weekend at the end of the month to try to calm my mind, which races everywhere.

    It sounds from all of this that I am a mess... I don't think I am, yet. I'm making assignments for myself. Yesterday (Sunday here) my cable and Internet were out and I got a lot of household organization accomplished. I also made a fairly major decision that I've been putting off and I am the master of indecision, so that's a good sign.

    Since I got serious about this journey, I think I've taken some major steps, i.e. having my first health screen in several years, talking to family about my problems, setting up the dreaded intervention, most of all realizing that I can't help my boy unless I help myself. I'm not there yet but maybe I'm on the right road. And I hate this.


      Tapering off alcohol?

      Hi Sisy, good to hear from you, you sound like youve been very busy and are making some great steps in getting yourself better.

      You know youve done what you can for your son and the rest is up to him, Im glad your sister paid his debts, going to prison anywhere in the world isnt good but from what I know it would be truly awful for him to go there. and I dont think anyone could class helping him in those circumstanses as enabling. It is a shame that the place you went turned out to be 12 step, but as you say it was worth while in helping you talk and show your love for him.

      You dont seem like your in a mess to me, you sound like you are making possitive moves to build your life. I would love to be able to go on a yoga/meditation weekend, I think that will be great for you, as will all the other stuff youve got planned.

      You are on the right road and are going in the right direction.

      Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on



        Tapering off alcohol?

        Hi Sis,

        You've been on my mind for the last week maybe wk & half. I knew the Intervention for your son was this month & after that happened you were planning one for your self. I haven't been around much on the boards lately. Other things taking my time. Glad u posted an update. As I was thinking of putting a shout out to you.

        I too am great at putting off making decisions but have been making important ones & accomplish more things then ever recently. Probably more then I should have as me old head & body are feeling it.

        I think the best thing that happened from all of this is that your son really knows how much he's loved, ( I knew u worried about this & I think us Mom's tend to do this, give & give & give...., then doubt & doubt & doubt... was ~ is it enuf). That he didn't end up in 3rd world prison! that you have family support!, that you are finally making appts. with Dr's & will be taking care of your health!!!

        The last part is exactly what I've been doing since the beginning of the year & I'm still not done. I finally realized I have to take care of me or I won't be here, let alone any good to any one else. Please try your best to be gentle & patient with yourself. All of this takes time & planning. You are strong you will get thru all of this. Maybe one day u will look back & wonder why u worried so. Perhaps helping another Mom~Woman in need.

        As for AA. I'm not a thumper, but I can tell you I learned many valuable things in the 10 yrs in & out, mostly out. Life skills. Which are also taught in various other programs. AA is not a religious program, it's spiritual. "Religion is for people who believe in hell, Spirituality is for those of us who've lived in hell & want a way out here in present time. Or something like that.

        It sure gives AA another bad rap when a Facilitator who's suppose to be a professional lies or with holds the truth! I mean really, come on, that's pathetic! I'd tend to think you paid for this Intervention with hard earned money. Makes me feel that since he knew u didn't want that Model of Treatment as an Intervention for your family, he was dishonest. Which that is completely against what AA teaches!!!!. You could contact General Services in your Area or in NY, as that's really not right!!!!

        Anyway glad to see a post from you & that Sweet Space was here to offer support. She's kind, funny, smart & a wonderful soul! Like so many of the wonderful people here. So are you! Don't worry right now about your drinking levels returning back to previous levels, or the ciggies! In time those will diminish, your on the right path. Be gentle, try to be patient with you.

        I hope you consider taking the time to research ant-craving alcohol meds & off label ones. So that u can discuss with the PDr. Topamax is emerging for other clinical trials in the US & ( most likely abroad as well ) for new studies once again. Not just for alcohol, tobacco, other things. Was just approved for a diet pill by FDA, tho mixed in with another drug.

        I know you've suffered with anxiety, anxiousness, which leads to some depression. Which for myself is why later in life when alcohol stopped being fun for the most part I was self medicating with it, was b4 too. But I think I may have depleted my dopamaine levels long ago. Topamax has helped me twice in a very good way. You can still drink when you first start taking it, you can continue drinking on it & reduce or mod your alcohol consumption, or abstain. Or do I dare say become a normal occasional drinker. As for some folks it has the potential to re-wire your brain. More on that later. I have a hunch that Topamax may become what Prozac was 20 + yrs ago in the not so distant future.

        I did some yoga & a little meditation yesterday. I'm also glad your going on a wknd retreat! Please know if I ever went to OP or IP Re-hab it wouldn't be 12 step. Been to OP Re-hab a few yrs back already. I'm just saying there r some good things about the steps when it comes to life skills & some of the meetings you learn valuable teachings. How to deal with life. Coping skills, etc. Not everything is good, including the people or the meetings.

        All right I've been MIA on the Topa board & our bright, funny, sweet Dizzybee is going to send out a swarm soon, hopefully offering some homemade honey. Tho I think that Poo Bear & Piglet may have gobbled it all up by now hahaha... Waving Hi.

        It's my daughter's 27th B-day & she's off having a massage. She's already been crying today & is really depressed. I haven't showered. So no more time to post or read. Hope to try to get on here later in the wk. Oh Shit, she's home & I'm sitting here. I asked her to stop & get me 3 pks of ciggies & they charged her for 6 & she's pissed. Well good thing I got up early, lunch is prepared & my delicious pound cakes with fresh rasberries, strawberries, whipcream will be drizzled in chocolate for later. I must get myself ready.

        Check in when you have time Sis. Or I think next time I will listen to my inner voice & put a shout out for you. Take Care!

        Namaste, :h



          Tapering off alcohol?

          I'm still here, still alive. I wrote a long response a few days ago and then lost it when I tried to post. Much going on and I'm pushing through. Thank you for bearing with me


            Tapering off alcohol?

            Hi Sis,

            I'm very happy that your still here & most important that your alive!.....

            I know what you mean about losing posts. I copy & paste everything now. In fact I do it half way thru what I'm writing.

            I have know doubt that there's a whole lot going on in your life. The great part is your a strong woman & your pushing thru it all! I sensed this from day one, that your tough!

            Thank you for checking in! MWO isn't going away so there will always be somebody here to offer support. Don't forget there is a thread where folks from your beautiful homeland post.

            Stay strong you will get thru all of this!!!!! Check back in when you have time.

            Take Care

            Namaste :h



              Tapering off alcohol?

              Tapering off alcohol

              I have been drinking everyday since February, about 5 months. It got to the point that I needed alcohol in my system to function. At the worst point, I was drinking about 12 shots a day or more. I decided since my health insurance sucks, to taper off. I chose to do this with beer. I would sip a beer with ice in it and record how much I needed to keep the withdrawal symptoms at bay. About 1/hr at first. I've successfully done this with the only side effects of slight nausea and not sleeping that great. It can be done. It took me about 2 weeks cause I weaned slowly.


                Tapering off alcohol?

                Hi Jilesoph & :welcome:

                I did this method a few times myself & it worked. I did it other more strenuous ways in the past. Glad this worked for you!

                Are ya still are there Sis? Been wondering about ya! :h


                  Tapering off alcohol?

                  I'm trying this right now. I bought a 40-oz. bottle of beer and don't plan to go out again today -- therefore won't be buying any more. I'm having 2 oz (1/4 cup or a shot glass) every hour now (it's noon) and plan to push it back by 10-15 minutes each time from now on. If I can just stop awhile before bedtime, I'm pretty sure I'll feel human in the morning.

                  Weird as it sounds, this feels therapeutic. I don't really like beer, so that helps too.

                  Otherwise, just cleaning up the alcoholic mess in my apartment, walking the dog, eating as much healthy food as I can get down, and drinking tons of water.

